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( About the kingdom )

Kingdom Name: Shade Star

What the kingdom is known for: It's known for being nicknamed " The Kingdom of Monsters " because it is home to human-like species that are seen as intimidating or scary, and because of this the other kingdoms mostly choose to avoid going near or getting involved with them, except for Dryl as Dryl has been one of their only allies.

What species reside in the kingdom: Etherians, Lizard-folk ( aka Rogelio's species ), Silkens ( Spider people ), Lycans ( I think you already know what Lycans are ).

Rulers: Queen Eris & King Luco

Their view on the Horde: Like the other kingdoms, Shade Star doesn't like the horde, but Queen Eris and King Luco don't have any problems with giving any ex-horde soldiers a second chance, as King Luco himself used to be a Force Captain before he met Eris and left the horde to be with her. 

Their view on the other kingdoms: The people of Shade Star don't really have a grudge against the other kingdoms, except for Queen Eris, as Eris holds a grudge on anyone that dares judge her husband for his past as a horde soldier.

Location: Shade Star is located within a large dark forest far from the whispering woods, it looks incredibly scary at first, but once you get close to the kingdom itself, you get to see the beauty that resides within.

Runestone: The Dark Crystal ( a/n: I hope there are people that will get this reference. )

What Shade Star's Castle looks like:

What Shade Star's Castle looks like:

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( A/n: I don't own the image. )

- Shade Star's Princess -

Name: Layla

Age: Same age as Adora and Catra

Species: Etherian/Lycan hybrid

Appearance: She looks like an average Etherian girl with fair skin, platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, and light freckles, but she has small canine-like fangs and pointy ears. She wears a plain dark blue dress that goes down past her knees, with gray leggings underneath and black fur boots.

Height: She's a foot shorter than Adora.

Personality: Despite what people outside Shade Star expect her to be, Layla is a very shy and socially awkward person, and panics easily, unless you mess with or try to hurt her boyfriend or her friends, then she will become as equally scary as her mother when she's in a rage. She also has some of her mother's protective nature when it comes down to defending her love and her kingdom. And like both her parents, she believes in second chances.

Powers: She can create and manipulate black crystals that are almost completely unbreakable.

Family: Queen Eris and King Luco ( parents )

Relationship: Hornet ( boyfriend )

( Fun Fact )

• She sometimes sneaks out of the castle with Hornet to go to their secret spot within the forest.

- The Princess's Boyfriend -

Name: Hornet

How he got his name: After a fellow castle guard member complimented that he could pack a sting like a hornet when he had punched said guard member in the gut during a spar session.

Occupation: Member of the Horde Armada ( formally ), Shade Star Castle guard

Species: Clone of Horde Prime.

Gender: Male

Age: He's the same age as Layla, just older by a few months.

Relatives: Horde Prime ( genetic template/"brother" ), Hordak ( fellow clone/"brother" ), Willow ( Adoptive Silken mother )

Appearance: He looks like any of the clones, but he had dyed his hair dark blue, nd he has a small scar on his lip from when he crashed and onto Etheria. He normally wears the castle guard armor, but outside of work he wears a somewhat casual suit, because he feels comfortable in it and he knows that it adds extra charm when he tries to fluster Layla.

Height: He's the same height as Hordak and the other clones.

Personality: Hornet was once loyal to Horde Prime and thought highly of him, but after he got separated from the hive-mind when he crash landed onto Etheria and after being taken in by Shade Star's General Willow, he became a gentle, warm hearted, and considerate of others. He's also very loving and affectionate towards his girlfriend, Layla as he would do anything for her, as to him, she's the most beautiful thing on Etheria. He can also be chaotic by playing songs on a guitar whenever he wants to mess with people.

Abilities/Skills: Is skilled with a sword, sharp shooter ( especially if you try to hurt Layla )

His normal weapon of choice: Sword

His weapon of choice if you try to harm Layla: Crossbow

Relationship: Layla ( girlfriend )

( Fun Fact )

• He has told Layla what he is and about his past, as he doesn't like keeping secrets from her.


That's it for the bio, I hope you like it

Feel free to comment on what you think about Layla and Hornet or what you think about the kingdom of Shade Star.

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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