Part I - Ready.

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Y/n crossed her arms, staring at her pale complexion in the mirror. While she wasn't exactly gorgeous, y/n's clear skin and rosy cheeks would make any man swoon.

Underneath feathery brown lashes were her pinkish-blue colored eyes. Her hair was long and golden, and its waves were streaked with brown. It fell down her neck and shoulders in long, thick waves. Y/n groaned as she glanced at a clock on the wall. It was the annual festival in her city, and she just could not afford being late.

She continued to do her makeup, gently patting her face with some powder. Set out on her bedspread was her dress, which was pink and ruffled with ribbons all along it. Y/n wasn't like other women. Instead of thinking about men and kids, she always had her nose in a book. Maybe she got judged because of it, but it's what she loved; it was her passion.

She sang a song softly to herself as she laced up her corset. Y/n knew she didn't really need a corset, though. Her waist was already thin in contrast to her medium, perky boobs. Maybe I am gorgeous, She thought to herself, pulling on her puffy gown.

Y/n had three handsome nobles swooning over her, and she felt lucky for that. No one could ever know, though, as these nobles were friends, and they each could not know about the affairs between them and her. Y/n sighed softly thinking about them, pulling a brush through her thick and silky hair. She couldn't wait to see them at the dance.

The finishing touch to her outfit was a delicate daisy that she had plucked from the fields herself while the other girls were learning girly things like how to sew and such. She tucked the white flower behind her ear, admiring her own uniquity and quirks. A carriage was waiting just outside of  Y/n's humble abode, and she climbed in. The driver cracked his whip and the car lurched forward, catching y/n for surprise. In the carriage with her was Y/n's prissy older sister, Diana, her even worse cousin, Prudence, and her sweeter younger sister, Annabelle.

"Your dress is very...ugly," Diana surmised, studying her nails.

Y/n glanced downward, her eyes filled with hurt. "I-I thought it was pretty..." she mumbled, toying with one of the ribbons.

"You're going to be the only one dressed like that," Prudence chided, twirling her finger in her tight curls. "You didn't even take the time to curl your hair. How pathetic," She scoffed.

Y/n stifled tears, dabbing her eyes with the pink handkerchief her mom gifted her before her untimely death. I wish you were here, Mom. Everything would be better. Y/n reminisced on the good times she and her mother had. Images of dancing in the fields, shopping together, and walking in the forest flashed through her head. Suddenly, a small, gloved hand that smelled faintly of rose petals was placed on Y/n's shoulder.

"I think your dress is pretty," Y/n's younger sister Annabelle said softly.

Y/n smiled. She loved Annabelle's sing-song voice that took after her own. Although no one knew it, Y/n and Annabelle were actually beautiful singers. However, they mostly sang in the comfort of their own home. The carriage continued its trek to the festival. I can't wait to see my lovers, Y/n thought, her mood lifting ever so slightly.



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