Part II - Dance.

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As the carriage pulled into the drive of the White House, Y/n's heart began to race. What if they're not here? What if they find out about each other? Y/n was nervous; well, any girl would be given her circumstances. Y/n found that she had a way around men.

When they offered for her hand, her mind would simply wander to the joys of reading and the peacefulness and freedom of nature. Many of the other girls were jealous of her mysterious charm around men. Alas, Y/n already had love taking up her heart.

As she walked up the marble staircase leading into the white house, her heart fluttered with love and optimism. A flood of light, colors, and warmth exploded from the building as she pushed open the intricately carved, dark wooden double doors. Y/n's hand flew to her face to block the torrent of senses. She felt Prudence's hand roughly guiding her through the crowd.

As Y/n passed more party goers who were wearing expensive dress wear and jewelry, she was aware of their gasps and awe as they watched her float through the halls. While the men stared at her hungrily, the women looked angry and annoyed; however, Y/n was oblivious to the attention. She only craved warm tea and a book.

As she made her way to the refreshment table, she realized that Annabelle was clinging to the hem of her dress. "Annabelle," Y/n said impatiently, "I need to be by myself, okay?"

As Y/n picked up a chunk of blood sausage to munch on, a glass clinking snapped her awareness to the top of the double staircase.

"Welcome, welcome!" A booming voice called.

Y/n squinted against the chandelier light and recognized Haym Soloman.

"You're welcome for funding the party this year! This year's festival is in remembrance of our dear fellow, Crispus Attucks."

The room fell silent in confusion as everyone mourned his brave death.

As Haym walked down the stairs, he caught Y/n's eye. He smiled, the light glinting off of his charming grin. He winked at her, and she could only feel her cheeks burning. As she moved through the crowd, a hand was placed on her shoulder. It was Haym.

"You caught my eye while I was speaking. What is your name?" He said softly, extending his hand for Y/n to shake.

"I-It's Y-Y/n..." She stammered.

For being so good with men, she was very shy. It was probably her small size. Y/n's gaze looked to the side in embarrassment.

"You've got something on your shirt," Haym said. As Y/n looked down, he scooped up her chin, forcing her to look at his awfully handsome face.

Y/n giggled, mesmerized by his charm. Haym let out a hearty laugh and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"I like your daisy," he said softly, pressing his hand to Y/n's waist. Uncertainty creeped into Y/n's heart, and she was painfully aware that Haym was trying to seduce her.

"Uh-uh...I'd better go..." she murmured, slipping through his grasp and disappearing into the crowd. As she walked, tears began to well up in her eyes. I don't want to be here...I don't want to be here... Y/n finally found an empty bedroom to stay in as she sobbed all her tears away.



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589 Words.

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