Part III - Ben.

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As Y/n cried in the vacant bedroom, she heard footsteps outside the door. She quickly mopped away her tears and straightened. Unsure of whether the room was off limits or not, Y/n leaped into the closet and closed the door almost all the way. A giggling man with his boyfriend pushed open the door and laid on the bed. She recognized them as Paul Revere and...was that-Wentworth Cheswell?

"The British are coming! The British are coming!" Wentworth hooted between sips of whiskey (which had a tax because of Hamilton's financial plan) and threw his arms around Paul.

"I'm the British," Paul sighed into the mouth of his dark-haired lover. Y/n thought she was going to throw up.

"I think we're going to have to have another whiskey rebellion," Paul murmured, taking the bottle from Wentworth with a chuckle as he kissed him again.

Y/n couldn't take it anymore. She ran out of the closet at full speed with her dainty hand covering her mouth as Wentworth and Paul looked at her in shock. As she made it to the lavatory, she collapsed on the pearly floors with a sigh. Finally, she was alone. As Y/n sobbed into her knees, she heard some noises coming from the bedroom. Unable to hold in her disgust, she leaned over the toilet and regurgitated the blood sausage from earlier.

Sweat beaded on her forehead as she panted over the sink, her hands gripping the white marble counters. She splashed some water on her face and took a deep breath. You can't hide in here forever, she told herself, dusting off her dress. When Y/n was preparing to leave, someone knocked on the door. She froze in panic. A soft, yet well known voice was heard through the white wooden door.

"Y/n, can I come in?" Benjamin Franklin asked softly. Y/n's heart soared with joy. I found my first lover!



sorry for the short chapter

brought to you by d, a, p.

word count: 337

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