Part V - Escaping.

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Y/n couldn't hold back the tears that slipped down her rosy cheeks as she ran. She'd abandoned one of the men she so dearly loved. You have two left, She tried to console herself. As she burst into the main ballroom area, there was a slight moment of silence as everyone looked at her; it was short lived. Y/n brushed tears from her puffy, red eyes.

She plastered a fake smile on her face to mask the raw emotions that hid underneath. As she navigated through silk dresses and satin suits, she finally made it to the exit doors. Feeling suffocated by emotion, she shoved open the doors and burst out into the cool night. The sky was indigo, freckled with twinkling stars. Y/n made her way to the trees at the edge of the courtyard.

She cried. Her eyes sparkled with tears, and they were more bluish since she was sad. She had always noticed how her eyes changed colors based on her emotions. As Y/n sat under a large oak, she pondered how things would turn out between her and Benjamin. She didn't mean to hurt him, but she was also tired of their differences of intelligence.

As she sobbed softly, a small hand was placed on her shoulder. "Annabelle?" Y/n squeaked through her tears. She leapt up and hugged her younger sister. Annabelle smiled and squeezed Y/n's body to her own.

"How has your partying been going?" Y/n asked, grinning down at Annabelle.

"I-it was good," Y/n's sister responded. Even though Annabelle was already 14, Y/n still saw her as a baby.

"Did anyone?" she asked, holding her younger sibling's hand.

"What do you mean?" Annabelle laid down on the grass, untying her tightly braided hair. She sighed lightly as she tucked her arms behind her head.

"You know what I mean," Y/n teased, laying next to Annabelle and giving her a playful push. Annabelle sighed in contentment and gazed at the star-speckled sky.

"Well...there is one particular guy..." the corners of her light pink lips tugged up in a smile. Y/n propped her head on her hand, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"What's he like? Is he cute? What's his name? Do you love him?" she peppered Annabelle with questions but frowned when she was only met with a laugh.

"His name is Thomas," she started, her hazel eyes closing briefly. She twirled some of her light red hair and whispered,

"He is so gorgeous." Y/n grinned, happy her little sister was able to find a man just as beautiful as her. The two siblings relaxed in the grass for what seemed like an eternity. Y/n's mind raced with the possibilities this night could bring. And then, as if on cue, a honeyed voice called from the garden,

"Y/n? Is that you?"



Word Count: 486

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