Part VI - Isaac

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Y/n's heart fluttered. It was Isaac Newton, her second lover.

"Y/n?" his sultry voice shouted once more.

As he stepped out of the garden, his handsome face came into view. The silvery moonlight bathed his chiseled features. His short, cropped hair stuck out from his angular head and Y/n could tell he was worried. However, anxious or not, his face was still alluring as always. His normally light expression was furrowed with worry, and dark circles lined his almond eyes.

His dark, coffee-colored tailcoat was wrinkled and his gleaming shoes were slightly scuffed. Y/n particularly favored Isaac over her other lovers. His angelic appearance was too much for any girl to resist. Although it didn't make up for his egotistical demeanor, it helped a little. His creamy bronze eyes frantically searched the courtyard, but Y/n and Annabelle were safely concealed in the dark.

"Stay here," Y/n murmured to her sister, getting up and brushing grass off of her gown. Annabelle tentatively nodded, watching her sister scamper towards the garden.

"Isaac!" Y/n sang, skipping towards him. His face turned towards her and lit up with joy. As she slammed into his muscular chest, he wrapped his arms around her body and held her close to him.

"Oh Y/n! I missed you so much!" Isaac rejoiced, kissing the top of her head.

"I-I've missed you too!" She exclaimed as she tried to hide her bright red features.

She pressed her face into his warm, comforting body. They stood there for a while, simply enjoying each other's presence.

"How has work been?" Y/n asked politely, her voice muffled by Isaac's burly chest. He shrugged.

"As it's always been." Y/n pulled away from the hug at last, staring up at him admiringly. Newton smiled warmly, grasping Y/n's petite gloved hand in his and beginning to lead her towards the music and people. Y/n shot back an apologetic glance at Annabelle, who was frowning as she sat under the tree.

"I was thinking..." Y/n began shyly, averting her blushing face from Issac. He stopped walking, getting in front of her and gently lifting her chin to meet his eyes. They were slanted and caramel colored; they reminded Y/n of a cat. His lashes were slightly longer than the average suitor, which gave his face an elegant finish. His high cheekbones glinted in the moonlight.

"Yes, my dear?" He murmured, his voice silky smooth. He reached a slender hand down to tuck a lock of Y/n's hair behind her ear. Her face flushed even more rose than before.

"W-well- I was just...err...thinking..." She rubbed her arm anxiously, her gaze fixed on her own heels, which had become grass stained and dirty. Diane would be mad. Isaac stared at her expectantly, his eyes shining with something that might be a hint of impatience.

"...We should go public," Y/n finally choked out, a deep sigh leaving her lungs. Isaac's gorgeous face twisted with anger in a heartbeat. Y/n took a precautionary step back, watching in fear as Isaac placed a hand on the bridge of his nose, letting out an irritated sigh.

"Y/n, we've been over this!" He said, a fake smile alighting his face. His voice was not unkind, but the tone was laced in bitterness and anger, hiding beneath a shell of silky sweet honey.

"I know...but...I want to get married. We can't do that in private," Y/n pleaded, her doe eyes going up to meet Isaac's feline ones.

"No!" He snarled suddenly, stepping forward and seizing Y/n's wrists with his large hands. She let out a squeak of surprise, recoiling from him in fright.

"I told you before, we are NOT going public! It would ruin my image!" Y/n nodded fervently, her eyes flitting around nervously as she squirmed against Isaac's iron-tight grip. Her head was still reeling when Newton finally released her, his sweet and steady personality restored as if by magic. His face showed no signs of the abuse he had put Y/n through, abuse she hoped to be rid of soon. She was still trembling slightly when Isaac took her hand in his own. The embrace was warm, which slowed her heart ever so slightly.

"I'm sorry my love," He apologized, his voice thick with the same fake warmth he slathered on all his words to be charming.

"I just really need you to listen to me. And obey me. That's the only thing I ask of you." His tone was almost pleading, but there were hints of contempt. And Y/n fell for his charm.

"Okay," She said immediately, a smile returning to her pale face. His eyes crinkled with satisfaction, and the couple returned their walk back to the party.


-brought to you by p,a,d.

on a more serious note, thanks so much for all the support! we've all been stressed lately with eoc exams, finals, and other things, so thank you guys so much for the motivation! we'll release another part asap!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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