Part IV - Secrecy.

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Y/n threw open the door, flinging herself into Ben's plump body. He embraced her tightly, squeezing her small frame against his.

"I missed you so much!" Y/n squealed, burying her face in his neck folds. Ben laughed, a hearty, mirth-filled chuckle that echoed down the halls.

"Your dress is...eye-catching," He breathed. Taking in her beautiful sight.

"Your outfit is..." Y/n trailed off, trying to find something about Ben to compliment. "well...uh...your..." While Ben was far from the best looking out of her lovers, he was the kindest. She didn't mind his weight or age since he was so sweet. However, sometimes (due to his intelligence) he was a bit out of touch with her. Sometimes when he spoke it made Y/n feel stupid.

Back to her goal of complimenting him, she observed his outfit. He was dressed in a simple pair of cream colored trousers with white embroidery around the waist. He was also outfitted with a matching top coat that covered a ruffled white undershirt. The buttons on his pants resembled golden flowers.

"I like your buttons," Y/n finally responded.

Ben's face lit up. "Wh-why thank you," he said, his face lighting up. "I picked out these pantaloons myself." He seemed to beam confidence at her compliment.

"I-I didn't think I could last so long without you" Y/n exasperated, as she slowly traced her finger down his ruffles. He chuckled nervously, adjusting his gold rimmed spectacles.

"Maybe not here, Y/n," He postulated, straightening his jacket and pulling away from her embrace.

"Oh..." She pouted, sticking out her bottom lip cutely. As Ben leaded Y/n forward, he tried to stay as far away as possible, as Y/n noticed. She understood why though. Nobody could know about her relationship with Ben and her two other lovers.

As they walked casually through the velvet carpeted halls, Y/n and Benjamin passed other couples. Many of them were drunk, smooching in the halls as they searched for a vacant bedroom to make out in. Y/n wondered why they would drink alcohol. Although she was technically old enough, Y/n had never had a sip of any type of alcoholic beverage. She thought it was pointless to drink when you have books and nature. But then again, Y/n wasn't like the other women and girls. Benjamin led Y/n through another couple of twists and turns when he found an empty room.

It was larger than the other ones and it had a balcony. He pulled the door shut after guiding her in and Y/n saw him lock it.

"So," She said casually, flopping down on the soft mattress that was on the fancy carved frame, "what have you been up to? Any new inventions that you've...invented...?" Benjamin unbuttoned his jacket, placing it on the back of a chair. He's lost weight, Y/n realized, noticing how his shirt hugged new muscles that weren't there before.

"Nothing you'd be interested in," Ben responded, taking Y/n's waist in his thick, meaty hands.

"Nothing I'd be interested in? What does that mean?" She asked, pulling away from him.

"O-oh well--I're not-" Benjamin stammered, wringing his sweaty hands nervously.

"I'm not what? Smart enough?" Y/n surmised, her voice rising with anger.

"N-no! That's not what I said!" He blurted, reaching out for her. He tried to grab her hands in his, but Y/n slipped away, her small, petite size being used for an advantage.

"You're so out of touch," Y/n growled, stalking out of the bedroom.

"No! Y/n! Come back!" Ben hurried after her but stopped outside the door, afraid of any passersby that might be suspicious.

"I-I love you!" He uttered, his voice a rough whisper so no one could possibly hear.

"What's that? Benjamin Franklin loves me?" Y/n practically shouted, "He loves me so much that he can't even come within 5 feet of me?!" She harrumphed and slithered away, leaving Ben flustered and hurt, standing in the halls like a lost puppy.



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