(Rewrite) Chapter 12: *Slight* Changes

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(Slight cringe warning (again))

I walk around with Kai, until we find the garden. He opens the giant gate door, and walks over to the cell rooms. "See ya, Wesson." Kai says. "Uh- Bye!" I reply, as Kai walks into the cell rooms hallway. I am now left with my thoughts, until someone taps my shoulder. I turn around, and I am met with a giant. An absolute GIANT. I would say above 6'5. They wear a hazmat suit, gas mask, helmet, night vision goggles, headset, balaclava, A police utility belt, A bullet proof vest with mags on it, A backpack, and a sledgehammer attached to the backpack. I stumble back, not expecting someone so MASSIVE to be there.

"Greetings." They say, their gas mask distorting their voice. I take notice of the Russian accent they have.  "J-Jesus! You're fucking m-massive!" I exclaim. "Da." They reply. "..what does that mean?" I ask. "Not educated..hmm. It means yes in Russian. Shouldn't you know?" They ask. "Uh...I don't know any Russian at all...anyways..uh..who are you?" I ask. "My name is Kasnov. I am the head guard of this facility. I don't think I've seen you around." They say. "Uh..I can't tell if you're a man or woman.." I say. "Lots of people tell me that..it's getting irritating. I am male." Kasnov says.

"Oh..uh- Sorry." I say. "It is alright. You didn't know. Anyways, what's up with..that?" Kasnov asks, pointing to the top of my head. 'Does he not know?' I think to myself. "Uh..Dr. L. You know him, right?" I ask. "..yes." Kasnov says, a tone of irritation in his voice. "..yeah. He super glued uh..robotic manic ears to my head." I say. "Mhmm..I see. How unfortunate." Kasnov says. He reaches his gloved hand out to touch the manic ears on my head. I begin to sweat, not knowing what to do. Kasnov begins tugging on the manic ears. I try not to make any noise of pain, staying as silent as possible. Tears threaten to roll down my face, as the pain becomes more and more unbearable.

Kasnov suddenly lets go. "Indeed, super glued." He says. I stay silent, not knowing what to say or how to react. I hear a buzzing sound from one of my pockets. I look in the pocket, and see someone is calling me. I take my phone out and walk over to the wall. It's my mother.

I accept the call.


"Oh my god! It took you so long to pick up..I tried calling you earlier, but you wouldn't answer! Why were you ignoring me?" My mother asks. "You tried calling me earlier..?" I ask. I look up at Kasnov, who begins to walk off to the subject cells. "Yes! I tried calling you earlier! I tried calling twice! I thought you died! Next time, answer my calls!" My mother exclaims, scolding me. "I'm sorry mom...I don't remember you calling me.." I reply. "..please..just answer my calls next time." She says. "I will." I say.

"Can you turn your camera on? Your voice sounds deeper than usual, I want to know it's you." My mother says, suspicious. 'Since when was my voice ever deeper? I thought I was done with puberty already!' I think to myself. "..I can't turn my camera on, mom." I say. "Why not? You're making up all these excuses.." My mother says. "B-because my camera is broken...yeah." I say, lying. "..oh..okay. Are you having a nice time working for Liminox?" My mother asks. "Laminax. But...yeah, mostly." I reply.



"Did you find out your pay, and what you actually do?" My mother asks. "Yeah. My pay is twenty dollars an hour or something..on a 14 hour shift." I say. "That's nice..what do you do at work? Did they elaborate more on what you do?" My mother asks. "..uh..yeah. We do uh...tests..on goo..animal creatures...yeah." I reply. "Sounds interesting..." My mother says.

"I uh...I gotta go." I say. "What? Already? We've barely talked!" My mother says. "Yeah..I know..but..duty calls..haha.." I reply. "..oh, okay...I'll call you back soon." My mother says. "Okay. Bye." I say, ending the call shortly after. I put my phone back in my pocket, and fall to my bottom, slumping against the wall. I take a few deep breaths. 'My god was that stressful...' I think to myself.

I close my eyes, ready to just fall asleep on the cold ground, until someone touches my right shoulder. I open my eyes and look to my right, only to spot no one. I look to my left, and spot a ghostfox only a few feet away. I flinch. "Haha! You fell for it! Anyways, I'm on the run from the guards! I gotta go!" The ghostfox says, taking steps back. Suddenly, a guard I am not familiar with bursts through the subject cell room door, and chases after the ghostfox, with a metal bat in his hand. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE ASSHOLE!" The guard yells. The ghostfox gets startled, and slowly walks away. The guard stands right in front of the ghostfox.

"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO!" The guard yells. 'Can he not see the ghostfox right in front of him?' I think to myself. The ghostfox stays as still as possible. "Lost em...god dammit." The guard says, walking back to the subject cells room, before stopping to look at me. He stares right at me.


"...the hell happened to you?" The guard asks. "..Dr. L happened." I say. "Ohhh, yeah. I forgot." The guard says. "Weird. I don't even know you." I say. I look back at where the ghostfox was, only to see them completely gone. I look back at the guard. "That's funny." The guard says. I take a closer look at him, noticing he's not wearing a hazmat suit, but a black camo Laminax guard shirt and pants. He wears headgear like a headset, helmet, grey goggles, a backpack, bullet proof vest, mag pouches, and a lot of other things.

"My name is Andrew by the way." The guard says. "My name is Jake..last name Wesson." I say, still slumped against the wall. "You okay?" Andrew asks. "Yeah. Why do you ask?" I reply. "You kinda look..miserable over there." Andrew says. "Just tired." J reply. "You know you have a bed..right?" Andrew asks. "Yeah. I just decided to try and sleep here because I'm too tired to move, which didn't work out so well." I reply. "Uh..huh.." Andrew says.

"..but..I'm wide awake now." I say. "Uh...ookay..well..nice meeting you.." Andrew says. "Yeah. See you around?" I say. "Yeah, if I'm not occupied with my job." Andrew says, before walking off to find the ghostfox. I am left alone with my thoughts, once again. I decide to get up after a few minutes, groggily walking into the elevators, pressing the 'hotel' button as the doors close, and the lift is sent up.

A few minutes pass by, and the lift stops, with the doors opening after. I make my way to me and Kai's room, scanning my ID card along the card reader. The door clicks, opening. I pull it open, closing it after. I take my lab coat off, and put it on the coat hanger. As soon as I take it off, I go into the bathroom, looking at myself through the mirror. My hand and forearm suddenly get a burning sensation. I groan in pain, stumbling around for the syringe in my lab coat pockets.

I successfully grab the syringe, and take the arm glove off. I throw the arm glove on the floor, and take notice of my arm, almost completely overtaken by goo, small crystals, and fur. I take notice of paw pads starting to take shape on my hand. "NO- NO- NO- NO!"  I yell out. Panicking, I stab the syringe into my infected arm, injecting the fluid into my arm, and throwing the empty syringe on the floor. The paw pads finally take full shape, as my panic only grows and my breathing becomes heavier. Small crystals sprout out of the tips of 'my' manic fingers. Just as I feel like I will pass out, it all stops.

I look back up at myself through the mirror, processing what just happened. I stare in shock and confusion, not knowing what to do. Only one thing comes to my mind. 'I have to tell Dr. L.'

(Sorry for the short chapter, I just really wanted it to end on that cliffhanger :3)

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