𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 - Crumbled Paper Balls

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Content Warning: Language n Bullying

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Y/N was in the penultimate class of the day, Math. The teacher was strict, and very aggressive when students did something wrong or talked in class, so everyone was silent.

She did one of the thousands of problems on the worksheet that the teacher had given her and the rest of the class. Suddenly, her pencil tip broke. She stopped writing to get up and sharpen her pencil, when suddenly she felt someone throw a ball of paper at her.

When Y/N turned around to see who the culprit was, she saw that it was just Charles. The platinum blonde boy stuck his tongue out when Y/N noticed that he was the one who threw the paper ball at her. Charles motioned for her to read the crumpled paper he had thrown to her.

Y/N rolled her eyes and looked forward again, careful not to let the math teacher catch her reading it. She read the crumpled paper and she immediately scowled. It's just Thursday, and she could never catch a break with Charles annoying her.

"Hi, I not do the homework :((( teacher will eye our homework tomorrow, i lazy to do it myself, you give notebook after class, pleaseee?"

Y/N turned around and silently said a resounding no with her lips, Charles immediately begged her by putting his hands together, trying to convince Y/N, but she just sat back down and continued doing the exercises.

After writing just a few numbers, Y/N felt another ball of paper hit her head, she sighed in frustration, and picked the paper off the floor and started reading it.

"please, if teacher knows i dont do mine homework she 100% kill me!!!"

Y/N wrote on the paper saying that she would pass him the notebook, but that they should stop cause the teacher could catch them at any moment. She crumpled the paper a second time and carefully tossed it to Charles.

Charles, after reading what Y/N wrote, smiled and looked at her, whispering a silent "thank you." that only she could hear.


After class, when everyone was gathering their things to go to their next class, Y/N took out her math notebook and walked towards Charles to tap him gently on the shoulder, when Charles turned around she handed him her notebook.

Y/N — "You know that the teacher could have caught us right?"

Charles — "But she did not."

Y/N — "Yeah, but if she did, she would have given us a report, she's very strict."

Charles — "Okay okay, I get it."

Charles took Y/N's math notebook and put it in his backpack. She was going to leave but Charles grabbed her arm, preventing her from doing so.

Y/N — "Ah- Huh?"

Charles — "Uh... I grateful, I afraid of math teacher."

Y/N —"Yeah, I can see that, you've never worried about not doing the homework."

Charles and Y/N laughed about that and she finally grabbed her backpack to leave the classroom and go to her next class. They have a math test tomorrow so Charles better study.

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