Chapter 5: The One They Call X

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??? POV:

"Wake up dear..." a voice echoed, slowly coming clear as I woke, "It's time to work."

Vision was hazy, almost as if I was looking through a shadow. However, there were only two objectives; clear out the facility, find any survivors, report back. I dashed in, my frame was small and agile, making me stick to the corners a lot easier.

Our troops all had a certain smell to them, any other movement was deemed hostile. Kill now, ask questions later. Room by room, creating pools of energon at my feet as I tore through chassis after chassis, ripping through metal to find my objectives.

I could smell them. Two of them at least, as well as many others. My frame was covered in energon and there were bits of wire and metal stuck in my claws and beak.

Their smell was stronger, my objective closer. I had to get to them. Must complete the objective.

Complete the objective...

Complete the objective...

I could smell them, in the next room over. I got so excited, I couldn't contain it. I let out a loud screech, letting everyone know I was here, and I was coming. There was just one thing left in my way and it was the last stupid creature in the room. I growled, kicking it through the door, taking down four others in the other room with it.

Launching, I pounced on the small pile. Shred it. Nothing can be left.

Complete the objective...

Complete the objective...

There were two mechs in the room, seeming to be around my age. Weak...

The room was filled with enemies. I grabbed the two mechs, the red one by the tail and the blue one by the shoulder and threw them in a corner before letting out another terrifying shriek, one by one, tearing the enemy to shreds. There was nothing left, piles of metal and energon.

"What the hell is that thing??" one of the Griffins spoke.

"Seems to be on our side..." one replied.

Some of my targets fell before I could get to them, hit by gunfire from the two griffins. Rude, they were stealing my fun. I growled at the two of them, knocking the gun out of the red's servo before going back into the crowd.

No one would touch my objective

Complete the objective...

Complete the objective...

As the kill-counter went up, my beautiful white accents turned more blue, staining with the blood from my enemies.

There were three left,

Then two left,

Then one left... the last one.

I licked my lips and swayed my tail in anticipation. The last one, then the objective is complete.

Complete the objective...

Complete the objective...

I lunged at the last one, dodging the attack, grabbing the neck with my beak and threw the beast across the room into the other wall, snapping the neck in the process.

As I turned to face the two griffins, the red one was slowly reaching for the weapon I had slapped out of his grasp. His optics were focused on me like I were a bomb about to explode, the moment his paw gripped the rifle he snapped back to stand beside the blue one.

"Uh... Thanks...?" the blue one spoke softly.

"Rumble, Ruvik, return to base. Now." a voice spoke from their comm links, audible in mine as well as it addressed me separately, "Time to come home dear, mission success. Coda, arc, lima, march."

As these words were spoken, I was compelled to return.

I glanced at the two mechs again, Rumble and Ruvik... hmmm. With a chirp, I spread my wings and charged out the nearby door, crashing through a window and flying back home.

It didn't take long for me to reach my destination, a hatch in the side of a large building that opened as I approached and closed as soon as I passed through it.

I landed in the room, a large, open, dark room. My room. My cage took up one corner, monitors and machinery took up a whole wall.

He stood there waiting for me.


Third Person POV:

The tall silver and blue mech turned as he heard the prized experiment land, smiling a bit in partially genuine impressment.

"Well done Sw-..." he looked at the small predacon, pausing a second, "Subject X..."

He turned away before speaking again, "Back to bed now, go on."

With that, the predacon sulked away to her cage and closed herself in. Commander Netsu watched the monitors again, as Rumble and Ruvik surveyed the destruction and made their way out of the ruined laboratory.

"Come on you little shits... What are you waiting for?" he muttered to himself.

Just then, a sharp snarl cut in, snapping his attention to the still open hatch. A large creature, almost his size, dropped in, snarling and flicking its tail impatiently.

"Back so soon?" he questioned the creature, the very same one he had just watched decemate his squad on the monitors, "Hope you got what you needed. Wish you hadn't been so... harsh. Those bots were pretty much our best..."

"I saw enough..." The creature spoke, gradually shifting from snarls and growls to a velvety feminine voice, as its entire form shimmered and sparked like a bolt of purple electricity, shifting in shape and size until a slender dragoness predacon emerged.

"If those are our best, Netsu," she continued, stalking around the Commander, "Then I cannot find the words to express my disappointment in you."

Even with the femme being much younger than him and closer in height to his teenage soldiers, the tall mech was slouched and visibly unnerved by her.

"And what have I told you about using that form in front of me??" the dragoness snapped, her helm whipping to face him at last with a piercing stare.

"Right! Sorry..." Netsu responded, quickly transforming from bipedal to his griffin form.

"Sentients..." the dragoness muttered to herself, the word coming out as a bitter snarl radiating her hatred of the ones it described, "If it weren't for your little Subject X, I would struggle to find a reason to let you go on living."

"Yes Cynth. Er- ma'am.'ve made that quite clear..." Netsu responded nervously, "I appreciate you acknowledging her progress. We're getting close to what you want."

"Just get it done, Commander," she responded, somehow making the title of Commander sound like an insult.

With that, Cynth strutted from the room.

"Yes ma'am," Netsu responded out of obligation, waiting for her to vanish from sight before muttering to himself, "Fuckin... high and mighty bitch..."

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