Chapter 6: They Changed Everything

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Rumble POV:

My family wasn't what you'd call... Typical.

My Father was a high ranking Lieutenant in Commander Netsu's Military, and just in case that wouldn't make him pretentious enough he also comes from a long family line of Primal Predacons.

See, in the early times of Predacons, some followed the ruthless tyrant Predaking and lived as form changers alongside the bipeds of Cybertron. A small band of us separated, preferring to live solely as our Predacon selves, thinking it was defying our Gods to take bipedal forms.

So they forged a way of life, a discipline, remaining in their Predacon forms and casting aside any kind of alt form. After generations, this group lost their ability to shift forms entirely, thus earning the proud moniker of Primals.

My Father was taught his whole existence that this was a great honor of the highest variety. So you can imagine he ensures his two sons have the same understanding of this great family heritage.

I sulked to the entrance of my Family's quarters, stopping as the automatic doors slid open.

She was here again. So soon?

A tall, slender dragoness predacon, sleek silver in color with dark purple accents and underside.

"Sons, Cynth has stopped by for your regular check ups. Follow her instructions," my Father spoke up, his stance and tone not even trying to hide his disdain for the femme.

He was like this with all the employees and workers of the Facility, making sure they all knew how little they were in his optics.

Cynth carried herself like damn royalty. Her movements swayed. She didn't walk through the room, she swayed through the room. "There are my boys." She purred, her tail swishing slowly. "Come, come, let me take a look at you." She ushered us closer to her.

Ruvik glanced sideways at me, giving me a slight nod as a non-verbal 'Behave yourself'.

I nodded just as slightly as we stepped up to her, sitting before her and awaiting the physical examination she always did.

Cynth looked over my frame, checking for injuries that developed since her last visit. "Lieutenant Corten, you have got to take it easy on these two." She joked. Her paw ran over my armor. Her touch was soft, yet cold at the same time. I'm never sure what she's looking for.

I kept myself still for her, keeping my blank stare and vacant expression. Standing at attention, like a soldier.

"Relax, dear Rumble." She purred, almost into my audial. "Now, tell me, how have recent missions gone? Anything different about your fighting style, anything odd happen?" She asked, prodding for information.

"Nothing to report. Standard op," I answered simply, in my military voice.

She walked around me again, tail swishing and rubbing up against my neck. "Now my dear, don't be hiding from me." She says, her face turning to look at Ruvik.  "Ruvi," she addressed, looking at him and swaying over to him, the entirety of her tail rubbing on my neck in a sensual way. "What about you, my love, anything to report?"

"Nothing unusual ma'am," he responded in the same military tone, though he turned his helm to look at her, a slightly... different look in his optics, "Close call, but it happens. Rumble saved my ass."

Her expression changed to immense interest. "He saved you hmmm? Oh do tell me more, my good boy." Her voice purred and her tail turned its attention to him as well.

"Well..." he started, voice stuttering as his stiff military stance trembled ever so slightly under her touch, "We were pinned by two squads, I backed myself into a corner, two uh... two gunners were trained on me, and... Rumble got to them first."

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