Chapter 8: Shades of Loyalty

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-Rumble POV-

My brother's voice called my name again, snapping me back to reality. It took a second for my mind to catch up.

Rescue mission... High priority mark... Eliminate hostiles on sight... Twelve bots inside compound... 4 remaining... One posted in the left hall and headed straight towards me...

I struck out with my wing, bashing the enemy bot as he rounded the corner, my tailblade lodging in his throat and silencing a shout of surprise before he even hit the ground. I then stepped out into the hall, Ruvik firing a shot from behind me.

The bullet flew past my helm and ripped into a second enemy bot. Two. There were Two posted in the left hall.

I never forget details. Never.

Ruvik gave me a quick glance along the same thought line as he stepped past me, taking over in leading the charge. 4 remaining, 2 down, so 2 to go. Or could I even trust that math?

Guard routes, patrol paths, weapon setup, sand castles...

No. Focus.

Guard routes, weapon setup, patrol paths, window timing, violins...


Rifle safety clicking off.

I struck to my right, disarming the bot that had walked right up on me and following up with a solid strike to his face to stifle any further shouting. Then a simple neck snap.

That was way too close. No one has ever made it that close to me without my awareness.

I glanced up, Ruvik was scaling the wall to reach the upper walkway, where our goal was. Only one guard left, one shot and we were done. I took aim, Ruvik glancing back at me, flattening himself against the ledge and awaiting the sound.

I fired, my shot hitting the window behind him. I missed by almost a full inch. The bot stumbled a bit, seeing the bullet hole and tracing it to see me.

He scrambled and fumbled with his radio, a second shot from my rifle shattering the hand held walkie before it could be used. Ruvik had leapt over a distance to cut him off, pulling himself up to the ledge and lashing out with his axe-like tailblade.

A much more brutal tool then my own, his was designed for power and effect, one heavy blow was all he ever needed.

The bot's helm split and his form spun a bit from the force before collapsing. Finally, we were through. Just one door, and we're out of here.

I climbed up onto the ledge to meet my brother at the final door, keeping my gaze on the objective to dodge his questioning optics. With our combined effort we pried the blast doors open, stepping into the cramped space beyond.

It appeared to be a makeshift cell, improvised with less than a few hours to prepare for it's single occupant.

A sleek silver and purple Dragoness predacon.

Cynth lay on her back in a relaxed, almost lazy looking position, spread across what was probably meant to be an interrogation table. She looked quite content, if impatient, simply examining her claws with a bored look in her optics.

"Disappointing..." she spoke after a moment, not even looking at us, "And you two are the best he's got. Hmph..." she hummed dismissively.

Ruvik and I both stayed where we were, unsure of how to proceed.

Cynth stayed silent for a moment, before a small smile came across her face, "Careful with your wandering gaze, boys..." she whispered in a silky voice, stretching a bit exaggerated as she slowly rolled to her side, "Failure doesn't see rewarding, now does it? Rewards come from results."

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