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When she did, she noticed she was still holding his hand.

"Nice job, Cora" Luke smirked, looking at the girl. She looked back at him and quickly pulled her hand away from Percy's, sitting up "shut up" she said. Luke laughed as she threw her blanket off of her and turned to the side, her feet meeting the floor next to her bed.

It seemed to be earlier than when she usually woke up. She was the type of person to sleep through wars and hurricanes - she was never awake before any other campers. A few were still asleep.

Cora felt like Percy could possibly be waking up soon so she decided to take her chance to visit her parents.

"I'll be in the fields" Cora said, sliding on her shoes. Once her shoes were set around her feet, she looked up at Luke "could you help me?" she asked. Luke nodded and walked to the brunette girl.

He knelt down in front of her and began tightening the laces "you really need to learn how to do this yourself" Luke sighed, tying the bow of the first shoe "I know, I know" Cora rolled her eyes as Luke went to complete the second shoe.

Luke finished tying her laces and lightly hit her shoe to indicate she could move. "Thank you" she mumbled as she stood, Luke rose to his feet as well "what was that?" he smiled, tilting his head "thank you" she repeated, barely louder.

He grinned, feeling victorious, and stepped to the side, extending his arm to show that she was free to go.

Cora grabbed the black zip-up hoodie that was left scrunched into a ball at the end of her bed, along with her dagger she set on the set of drawers next to it, and went to walk, but paused.

"If he wakes up before I'm back," she said, turning back to Luke "tell him where I am incase he needs me" Luke nodded with a small smirk on his face.

Cora gave him a glare "what?" she asked, her tone turning to her usual 'get the fuck away' sound it always was "nothing, nothing" Luke laughed to himself, walking back to his own bed.

Cora groaned quietly and quickly left the cabin, pulling on her hoodie and leaving it open, showing off her Camp Half-Blood shirt, she had slept in her jeans - which felt like a mistake to keep on but she was too lazy to change.

She made her way to the field where she was first introduced to camp when she was eight. At that age, she had created two graves for her parents. The one for Orpheus, she always grew Hyacinths and Daisies. For Eurydice, she grew Haberleas and Irises.

The two piles of flowers were close enough that she could imagine them lying next to each other, their hands interlocked.

Cora first went to the grave of Orpheus, separating the slightly wilted flowers, then doing the same to Eurydice's. She put the limp flowers in a small pile in front of her and sat in between the graves.

"I'm back" she smiled softly. She hadn't been able to speak to them during her time away from camp.

She imagined a reply from her mother, a sweet hug and bright smile, and then her father begging her to tell them everything that had happened.

"My friend, Percy - the one I had to leave for - he's here. He's really nice. I think you'd like him" Cora began. With no memory of her parents, she had created her own characters for them, how they would act and what they would say.

"He's unclaimed for now. I don't think he's a Hermes kid, so he'll probably move to a different cabin once his dad decides he wants him" Cora told, picking up one of the flowers she gathered from her fathers grave, gently gliding her finger along the petals, that turned back to living and fresh at her touch.

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