Part 1 ~ The Glade

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You awake to something hitting your head. The pain sears through your head.
Lights are flashing and there's a horrible mechanical noise.
Holding your pounding head, you look around. You seem to be in an elevator like thing with crates.
An elevator?
You know the concept but you can't picture it or remember a time you were in one.
You can't remember anything. Except your name.

The box came to an abrupt stop, causing you to slam into the metal floor. The lights around you stopped flashing and a buzzing sound was heard for a couple seconds. Then bright light flooded your eyes.
You held your hands over your face and turned your head towards the ground. Your ears were ringing but you could make out people talking.
Suddenly the box shook a little.
You removed your hands from your face and you saw a boy in front of you.
He had sandy dirty blonde hair, short, and slightly wavy. Your eyes adjusted more and you could see his facial features now. He had brown eyes and he looked confused.

"It's a girl." He spoke with a different accent. Sounding like a girl was the rarest thing ever.
He crouched down to be more at your level.
"It's alright, love." He held his hand out. You took his hand slowly and he helped you up and out of the box.
"Someone get Alby now." The blonde boy barked an ordered to the other boys.
You looked around and noticed there were only boys around you. Some of them made uncomfortable comments. The blonde boy told them to shut it and then he slightly touched your head. It hurt a lot and you just now noticed blood on your shirt. "Let's get you to the med-jacks." He said taking your hand and leading you across the field to a small hut.

Inside were two boys. "Clint, Jeff. The greenie here hit her head pretty hard coming up." At first the two boys just stared dumbfounded at the sight of you. You were so confused and your head hurt so bad. The boys seemed to snap out of it when they saw the blonde boy glaring at them to get on with it.
The one named Clint came over and sat you down in a chair. He then got to work patching up your head.
"You'll have to wear the bandage for a day or two maybe. It should heal quickly so don't worry." You mumbled a thank you then the blonde boy led you back out the door and over to a make shift tower where a dark skinned boy was standing. He was a little shorter than the blonde boy.

"Welcome to the glade greenie." The new boy said. You just stared back not knowing what to say. The glade? What's that? What's happening?
"I'm Alby, and this is Newt. When I'm not around he's in charge." Alby shook your hand.
"Well it's a good thing you're always around then." Newt joked.
"This is the glade. Everyone here does their fair share of work. We respect each other and we work hard to make this place home. You'll be assigned a job. Usually greenies get the slopper job but I don't think I'll give you that one." You nodded in response, taking it all in.
"Any questions?" He asked.
"Yeah one. Where are the girls?" You ask since you hadn't seen a sign of a female.
"Uh well... that we don't know. See the box brings up a new greenie every month." He points to the hell contraption you came up in. "The box supplies us with resources to help us live here in the glade. It also supplies us with more people. There's never been a girl come up before. But don't worry we'll keep you safe and I'll have word with all the boys. Newt why don't you show her around some more." He said patting Newts back and nodding to you before walking off.

"Alright greenie, let's go." Newt gave you a gentle smile as he turned to walk.
"Why do you call me greenie?" You asked following behind him.
"Well that's because your the newest addition and newbies like you don't remember their names right away so—". You cut him off.
"My names Y/n." He turned and blinked at you.
"You remember?"
"Yeah that's all I can remember though..."
"Don't worry that's normal. None of us can remember a thing, not even our names, usually..."
He led you over to a garden area.
"This is where we track hoes and gardeners work. We tend to all the plants and make sure there's plenty of food. Maybe this could work for you." He said smiling then leading you onto another place. This place had a barn and some animals.
"This is where the slicers and blood housers work.  Bit of a nasty job they have killing the animals and preparing the meat. I wouldn't think you'd wanna work there, right? Don't let me assume wrong. It's your choice."
"I thought Alby said your were assigned not given a choice."
"Yeah well we can break a few rules for you. Just wanna make sure you're comfortable here, love."
You smiled at his words.

He then continued showing you all the other jobs like the builders, bricknicks, baggers, and the med-jacks which you already knew a little about.
Last but not least were the runners.
Newt led you over to one of the big walls openings. He stood with you and explained that these were the doors and inside was a huge maze.
As he explained two boys came running out. They were jogging but stopped in their tracks when they saw you.
"Wha-" one of the boys began to say something but Newt just waved him.
"Yes there's a girl now. Get on. I'm explaining things." He then turned to you as they walked off.
"Those are the runners. They go in the maze and map it out and try to figure a way out. They are the only ones allowed inside. Don't ever go inside the maze, understand?" He into your eyes. There was something sweet about his eyes.
You nodded to him.
"I want you to promise me you won't ever go in there."
"I promise, Newt." You say breaking eye contact when a loud scraping sound starts. It makes you jump a little.
Newt places his hand on your shoulder. "It's ok it's just the doors closing. They close every night."
You stare up at the huge concrete walls that are somehow able to move.

Oki that's it for part 1 hope u liked it :))

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