Part 2 ~ The Woods

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That night a bonfire was held in honor of you, the new greenie.
Newt introduced you around to everyone. You watched a boy named Gally fight people.
Newt came over and offered you a jar of some yellow orange liquid. It had a faint sour smell.
"What's this?" You said sitting down behind a log with Newt.
"No idea." Newt said taking a sip. "Gallys recipe."
You went to take a sip.
The sour smell hit you and then the taste. It was disgustingly bitter.
"Ppffhha" You spit it all out in front of you.
Newt chuckled at your disgust in the drink.
"How do you drink that?" You questioned.
He shrugged and smiled. "I got used to it."
You smiled back at him. Newt was calm and easy going. He was great to talk to. You had stayed by his side since your arrival.
"So about the maze..." You said getting his attention.
"Mm what about it?"
"Why do the doors shut every night?"
Newt shifted to face you better.
"Well it's to keep us safe I suppose."
"From what?"
"Well there are these things that live out there. There totally dormant and don't appear during the day but at night they can get a little quirky."
"Quirky?" You questioned.
"Uh..." Newt trailed off not wanting to scare the girl on her first day. "Well-" He was cut off by a shriek.
You jumped at the sudden noise and looked at Newt, who seemed unphased by it.
"What was that?!"
"Grievers. Bloody awful things. That is why you don't wanna get stuck in the maze at night." He said sipping his drink.

After the bon fire and food everyone headed to bed, except for a few drunk gladers here and there. Newt showed you to the main building where most of them slept, some of the other boys slept outside in hammocks. He led you up the stairs and into a quaint room. It was really decorated which makes sense because what would it be decorated with in a place like this.
There was a bed against the wall and a table beside the bed. There was a small dresser beside the window and a chair in the corner that had a blanket and pillow on it.
"Alby thought it would be best if you stayed in here tonight. So we can make sure no one tries anything. You can sleep in the bed." He went over to the chair and picked up the pillow and blanket and layed it on the floor.
"What's that for?"
"Me." He said straining his neck up to look at you from the floor.
"Is this your room?"
"Yeah, but it can be yours for now." He smiled.
"I can sleep in the floor if you want. It's your room after all."
He stood up. "No no, you get the bed. Floors bloody great." He joked. Which kinda made you feel bad he had to sleep in the dirty floor but you can't force him to switch.
You took off your shoes and crawled into the bed. It was clean and smelled nice. The sheets were soft and the pillow was comfortable.
"Good night, Newt."
"Night, love." He answered back from the floor.

In the morning you awoke to a bird singing. You stretched your body and sat up looking around the room. Newt was no longer in the floor. He wasn't anywhere in the room. The pillow and blanket were moved back onto the chair in the corner.
You got up and slipped your shoes on.
You walked over to the door and peeking out. No one was in the hallway.
You shut the door and the walked slowly down the stairs and out the front door of the house.
Outside there were boys all over the field doing all kinds of different work.
A hand was suddenly placed on your shoulder. You spun around to face the person. It was Alby.
"Oh hello." You spoke.
"Morning greenie. I need to show you something." He said, gesturing for you to follow.
He led you over to one of the walls. On it were names. You spotted Newts name so you assumed it was all the gladers names.
"Here. Carve your name on here. It's tradition." He handed you a knife.
You noticed some crossed out and only assumed what that could mean.

You noticed some crossed out and only assumed what that could mean

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You carved your name on the wall and handed Alby the knife back.
"Now your official, but we need to get you a role. How about a track hoe. It's easy enough to start out."
"Sure." You were excited to start working and relieved because Newt was a track hoe.

That day Newt introduced you to Zart, the keeper of the track hoes, and some of the other boys aswell.
Everything went smoothly that day. You did the easy stuff like picking weeds and watering the plants.
"Hey y/n." Zart called.
"Can you go collect some fertilizer, we're getting low."
"Sure. Where is it?"
"Just go find some in the woods."

You walked over to edge of the woods. They seemed a little creepy. No one was over here.
"Where are you going?" A voice called which you automatically knew it was Newt.
"Zart asked me to get fertilizer." You said turning to him.
"Want me to help you?"
"Yeah sure. I don't really know where to go."
"I'll show you the good spots." He said smiling and heading off in front of you. It was at this moment you noticed a limp when he walked. That's strange you thought, why hadn't you noticed it before? Is it permanent or did he hurt it recently?
You followed behind him carrying the little bucket and shovel.
Newt led you through the woods like he knew every inch. He showed you what to look for and you collected it into the bucket. There was a slight breeze and it was nice and sunny today.
"It's so pretty in here."
"Yeah it's nice, especially when you want to get away from it all. No one ever comes here. Although y/n... promise you won't come here alone?"
"Uh sure but why?" You asked confused.
"I just don't trust some of the guys and this place is so secluded. Try to stay within sight just until you get used to everything."
Oh so that's what he meant. Guess they are gross teenage boys.
"Don't worry if anyone comes close I'll kick their butt!" You joked.
"Ha okay, love." He grinned.
We continued walking and just talking since I had a bucket full of fertilizer. It started to get a bit later so we headed back. Zart wasn't too happy we took so long.
That night Frypan, who you learnt was the cook, made stew. It was pretty good for a guy with limited resources. Although you couldn't remember if you had ever had better stew than this.
You ate with Newt and a boy named Minho who was the keeper of the runners. He was nice, a little sassy but it was funny. Newt and him seemed like good friends.
"I'm gonna head to bed." You announced to the two boys sitting at the table.
"Goodnight." Minho said nodding to you.
"Night, love." Newt said.
"Goodnight guys." As you walked away you heard Minho teasing Newt about something but did catch the whole thing.
You climbed up the stairs and into Newts/your room, slipping off your shoes your collapsed on the bed.
Things confused you because you couldn't remember but the people here made it okay. They were nice and comforting, like a family, you thought as you drifted to long awaited sleep.

Oki guys. This sucked and was kinda short. But what's a girl to do. Plz give me some ideas cuz im kinda dry on what I wanna do with this story. I have like one idea for tdc part but it feels a little much.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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