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If there was one day I hated more than any day in the year, it was Valentine's Day. Not only did I have to work that day but I had to deal with my boss who I was honestly, not in the mood for.

I roll out of bed and walk over to my mirror in my room that was surrounded by fake plants since I had never managed to keep any real ones alive. I was wearing a green T-shirt and grey shirts with long socks on and my blond hair was messier than normal. God, did I always look this plain?  I sigh, trying to shake off the wave of sadness that came over me just thinking about how awful I looked in the morning. 

I walked over to my closet and rummaged around looking for something to wear to work today. I  worked at a company that published fashion magazines so I always had to look my best. Normally I would go for something monotone yet somewhat bold which are complete opposites but you'd be surprised as to what you could design. Today since it was Valentine's Day I figured I could wear a light pink dress with white heels and a matching white purse. Pink was something I never wore. It was to loud and showy and I hated the attention. Also because it made me look like a giant walking cotton candy stick.

I quickly get dressed and begin to do my makeup and hair. The only time I actually felt any sort of confidence is when I was wearing makeup. Makeup can do so many things that people don't seem to realize. You could look like anything you wanted to if you knew how to do it correctly. 

I do the finishing touches, mascara and lipgloss and then I grab my purse putting my car keys, wallet, phone, some mascara and lipgloss and a little mini comb into my bag. 

I walk down to the parking garage of my apartment building only to see a tall man, maybe around 6'5 or 6'6 standing next to my car. I approach him and fake a little cough, trying to get his attention. Thankfully it worked but not like I thought it would. He turned around and said "Did you lose your parents little girl?" What the actual fuck. I fake a little laugh and say "I'm twenty three and I have somewhere to be so if you could move that'd be great." Insulting someone was never something I was good at. When I was a kid my parents always said it was impossible for me to be rude to someone. The man doesn't budge, instead he says "Someone is picking me up and they told me to wait right here, I can't help if it's in your parking spot."  

I suppress and eye roll but in all honesty it was the hardest thing for me to do.

"It a little said that a man like you can't drive." I respond back to him in a polite tone of voice. That was clearly enough to piss him off because of the way his jaw clenches. "Move, please." I say, avoiding his hard glare. He sidesteps a little bit but it gives me enough room to climb into my car and start it up.

When I get to the office, everyone is running around with papers in the arms and discussing new ideas about the magazine for this month. It was a little overwhelming to say the least but I push past it and go find my friend Gavin to see if he knows what's going on. Gavin wasn't necessarily my best friend but he was a friend and the only one I actually had so I wanted to keep him around.

I finally find him, even though he wasn't that hard to spot. He was a tall pale man with red hair and red beard. "Gavin do you know what's going on?" I ask, trying to be kept in the loop just a little bit. He scoffed and said "How do you not know what's going on?" I felt my face heat up in slight embarrassment. "Just tell me, please." I mumble. "The old manager retired and today we meet the new one. Andrew Choi. He managed a company in Korea before moving back here and he was the best candidate for the job."  I sigh and nod. "Thanks Gavin. I'll let you get back to work." I walk away and over to my small office. 

About fifteen minutes pass until a knock sounds at my door. I was trying to finish typing something but when I was interrupted it became hard to focus on it. I groan loudly and say "Come in." A tall man walks in. The same one from earlier. Fuck. Just fuck.

The man's eyes meet mine and they widen. "You?" He says, his voice seemingly deeper than it was this morning. "You." I say, trying to avoid his gaze. "Why are you in my office?" He says, putting down a box of some things on my desk. "You must be mistaken because this is my office." I respond, forcing a smile onto my features. "No this is office 213, aka, my office."  He says, smiling at me with the same smile I was giving him. "I can let you sit down and make a call to the front office." I say softly, all the politeness I can muster in my voice.

"In those white fluffy chairs, no thank you." He says, his tone cold and harsh. "What's wrong with my chairs?" I mumble, looking down at the chairs across from my desk. "Let's just say that when you call down there and they tell you that this is my office, these chairs won't be staying long." 

That pissed me off.

I grab the phone on my desk and dial the number to the front office. "What's your name?" I say harshly in his direction. He smirks and says "Andrew Choi." Oh shit. The new manager. I was rude to the new manager. "Cat got your tongue?" He says with that same smirk. 

"Hello, Ms.Evans?" 

"Yes, hi. We have a small issue."

"What is it?"

"Mr.Andrew Choi came into my office claiming that it's his. He said that you told him to come here. I just wanted to know if this was true."

"Office 213, correct?" 

"Yes that is correct."

"Yes we told him to go there. You two will have the share an office for the next few months until his office is ready. Have a nice day!"

The line then goes dead. I can't believe this is happening. I look up to the ceiling, looking up at a God I'm not sure if I believe in and the only thing I can ask is why he would do this to me. No I don't know the man and maybe I was judging him to quickly but I don't want to share an office with him. I don't have a good feeling about it. 


"So you found out the truth?" He asked, a smug smile playing in his features. "Yeah they said that we would be sharing an office for the next couple of months." His smile falters. "By the way my office isn't changing." I say to him, turning back to my computer as I resume typing. "And by the way I'm your manager, I can fire you whenever the hell I want to."

Shit he has me there.


I hope this was a bit better than the last chapter. It is a bit longer but I want your opinion and thoughts on what you thought about the chapter! 

I might be posting another one either today or tomorrow so be on the look out for that.

Love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️

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