Live, laugh, lose

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Was I okay with possibly losing the only woman I've ever gave two fucks about?


Was I going to say anything about it to her?

Fuck no.

Was I going to live with it?

I don't fucking know nor do I want to know.

I had been in the hospital for a week and I was so horny it was insane. It was around three in the morning and Annalise was moaning. Not just moaning, moaning my name. She was having a fucking wet dream about me. There was a tent forming in my sweatpants that made me need her even more. But she was asleep and that would be wrong. But again, I didn't give a fuck. 

I climb out of my spot on the bed and go to the end of the bed and pull her down a little bit but not hard enough to wake her up. I pull down those sleeping shorts that I called my boxers. She was wearing my boxers, my shirt and she was in my bed.

She wasn't wearing underwear. I could see her glistening wet pussy right there. I bite my lip as I feel my dick get even harder. I bring my lips to her lower lips and find her clit. She moans louder but I didn't care. I needed her. 

I lick every inch of her perfect fucking pussy. Her breathing becomes erratic and she screams loudly before finally waking up.  "Andrew?" She says but  ignore her and continue looking her pussy. She moans like a fucking pornstar as I tongue fuck her.

She finally comes all over my tongue and I lick it all up. I let my eyes find hers and I see her kneading her boobs with the hand that wasn't in my hair. I chuckle and she moans. "You touch yourself to the thought of me Annalise?" She doesn't respond but she bits her lip and nods her head quickly. 

"Then let me watch you do it." I pull away from her and go sit in the chair, right next to my bed. I pull my dick out and watch as she slips her hand into her already extremely wet pussy. I start to move my hand up and down my length as I watch her. Her back arches as she finds her g-spot. Her breathing picks up and I know she's quick to coming.

I pick up the pace of my rubbing and as she comes, so do it. My come spurts out and onto my chest. I was still surprisingly hard so I go over to her, not giving a damn about overstimulation and thrust into her.

She screams out, but it's in more of a pleasure than a pain. I wasn't sure if cancer patients were supposed to have sex but I didn't care. I wasn't going to treat her like a cancer patient until I knew she was a lost cause.

I pick up the pace of my thrusting and she continues to moan. I grunt at the feeling of her wrapped around me. She was wet, pulsing, and warm. That was everything I needed.  She was so tight and I fucking loved it. She moans and comes around me, but I wasn't finished.

I continue to thrust but my movements become a little sloppy because my orgasm was coming on quicker than I thought it would. I guess the overstimulation got the better of her because she had come for the fourth time tonight as I was trying to chase my orgasm. I finally come, shooting it inside of her. She moans at the feeling before I pull out. 

I go to the bathroom and wet a washcloth and come back before putting it in between her legs, cleaning her up. She plays with my hair as I lean down to kiss her. I smile against her lips. I pull away and she had already fallen back asleep.

I put the washcloth back in the bathroom and go back to the  bed and lay down. I throw my arm over her waist and kiss her neck. I know that it may have been too soon to tell her but I really did love her. I loved her with everything I was. She was an amazing person and the woman that I wanted to be the mother of my children.

But I knew that she wasn't always going to be around. The doctor that was apparently treating her, was telling me that chemo wouldn't be able to save her. There was no cure for cancer and chemo only helped. But because of the fact that she was in stage three the only thing that would help her was either chemo or surgery. 

I didn't want her to be in pain. I was being selfish. I was in love with someone I knew wouldn't be alive in a few months time. She was dying. A lost cause. But I wasn't going to tell her that that's what I thought.  I wanted her to think that I thought she was going to live. If she knew that I knew she wasn't, it would only freak her out more and the more freaked out she was, the more stress she had put on her and I didn't want that for her.

I wanted her to be happy in her final months. I was scared of her dying. I was scared of having to lose her. But I knew she  made her peace with dying. She's lost everything in her life and now I was losing her. But she wants me to be happy. 

I push the thoughts away  and nuzzle into her. I put my nose on her head and breathe in deeply. Her hair smelt like my shampoo and conditioner. I smile into her hair and place a kiss on her head.

"I love you." I whisper to her. It wasn't a lie.

I did love her. But I needed to know that she wasn't going to let me miss her. But in that moment, I knew that all I wanted was her.

All I needed was her.

I knew what I had to do.

I had to marry her before she died. That's the only way I would live without any sort of regrets. 

The funny thing is, when I got out of the hospital I got her a few gifts and went to the jewelry store and bought a ring. All I needed to do was ask her.



I needed smut in this chapter. There have only been one other chapter with smut in it and I needed to add a lil more.

I've also made up my mind and know how I'm going to end the story.

I should've wrote this down so I wasn't just writing as I go and figuring it out then.

I'll keep that in mind for my next book and I will hopefully update later tonight.

I will be posting the last couple of chapters during this week.

It has to come to an end unfortunately but hey I will be writing another one so keep that in mind.

Hope you guys enjoyed this story!

Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

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