Heart of hearts

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I was officially dating someone.


After I fucked her in the conference room she caught up with me as I was ordering my coffee and wouldn't stop talking. I asked her out and she nearly died from laughing. I have no clue as to why she was laughing but eventually the laughter subsided and she accepted.

That was a week ago.

Today she was driving me insane. She was wearing a short black dress that she thought made her look professional but instead made her look like some common whore. Normally I don't care what she wears because she looks amazing no matter what. 

But the minute I saw guys staring at her ass that was showcased for the entire world to see, I became a bit more possessive. She was working, typing up some document on her computer while I was playing with my Rubix Cube. This was just like any other day, there was nothing special about it.

The only thing that was somewhat different is that I had a huge tent forming in my pants and thankfully I knew it wasn't another hernia. But if it was, I knew I could have someone to count on. Someone who I personally think loves Korey more than she lets on. Someone who clearly loves me. She just doesn't want to admit it.

When I was sleeping with Clara, she told me everything and anything about everyone in the company. I knew that her friend, Gavin, made several complaints about her. "Being to annoying and clingy" was apparently something people could report now. She also told me that Annalise had problems with communication.

If something was wrong or if someone made her mad, she wouldn't say anything at all. Not to Clara, not to her co-workers, and I doubt I was any sort of exception. I sigh and finally break the silence that had been killing me since I sat down this morning.

"Dinner at my place? Korey has a sleepover with her friends." I say, my eyes never leaving my Rubix Cube. I feel her gaze on me and I know that my words seemed to have startled her. "Um sure, what's the occasion?" She asks, her eyes flickering back to her computer as if what was in that was more important than spending time with her boyfriend. 

"You're my girlfriend, there doesn't have to be an occasion every time I want to see you." I say with way more condescension in my voice than I meant. She looked at me and scoffed "Is this the way we're going to be doing things from now on? I'm the pushover and you're in charge?" She says, clearly pissed off.

"I don't remember it being any different than that." I tell her, finally letting my eye drift to hers. "You have issues with communication and commitment. You have abandonment issues which is why last night when we had sex and I left to go clean up you spent the entire night crying." I watch her jaw clench and her eyes harden.

"Don't analyze me." Is all she says before getting up and leaving. The only thing I could do was get up  and follow her. What else was I supposed to do? She was waiting for an elevator looking more awkward than ever. I go to her side and say "If we're fighting, don't walk away. You only prove my point more." I tell her, hoping that gets a little bit of her ego out.

She rolls her eyes and say "I forgot how much of an asshole you are." I scoff at her language and try to ignore it. "I don't know why I agreed to date you." Is the last thing she said to me before she stepped into the elevator that I hadn't realized had opened.

She presses the button before I could step in and I watch as the doors close right in  front of me. I sigh and try to not let my nerves get the better of me. I walk back to the office and pull out my cigarette. I had no idea as to where she was going and right at the moment, I didn't care. I light the cigarette and bring it to my lips. I breathe and push the smoke away, like what she was doing to me now.

Pushing me away.

I cared about her. I cared about her just as much as I care about Korey but she doesn't feel the same. If she would tell me what was wrong I might be able to help her through it but she won't tell me. I need her to know that I would never judge her and what she was going through. It could be the stupidest thing and if it was something she cared about, then I would try to care too.

But I guess I couldn't ask for the same treatment. I was an asshole to her in the beginning but now, I'm her boyfriend. At least I think I am. I know somewhere in her heart of hearts, she cares about me. Somewhere, deep, deep down. She cares. I know it. She knows it.

She won't admit it because when she admits it, she admits that she can love someone who wouldn't hurt her like that dickhead did. She doesn't want to admit that there were good people out there.

All my thoughts went right out the window when I heard smoke detectors going off. I realized that my cigarette was no longer in my hand but instead on the ground, starting a fire. I wasn't sure on what to do other than to stay low to the ground but that wasn't exactly an option right at the moment.

I couldn't help but begin coughing. It was awful. Almost like the time I had my fist cigarette but this was worse. I try taking deep breaths but it fails when I feel the building fall. I hear the screams of the people around me and that's all I remember.

It all fades to black.

I never thought I'd die at twenty seven yet here I am.

I feel my breathing slow down more than it should be and I could only think one thought:

Where the hell is Annalise?


This chapter was so bad. 😭😭😭

I could've done so much better but I needed to post. I'm sorry for taking so long, I meant to post sooner than this but I didn't so here it is.

I will be making more and this book will have twenty or so chapters. I'm not going over twenty five because of how my schedule works and because of how long it takes me to write.

If you guys want more stories, I will be writing more soon just not right now.

That's another reason I want to get this book done and over with so I can go on and start writing more with all of the ideas I have.

I hope you guys liked this chapter because I didn't but hopefully I like the next one more.

Love you guys! ❤️❤️❤️

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