Broken promises

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The next morning when I woke up, I woke up in a bed. It was Korey's bed and I knew that Andrew had put me there. No body else could have. Korey was to little to and James was to drunk to. Even though I made him mad, he still cared enough to do it for me. Maybe he'd be willing to forgive me.

Korey was still sleeping at my side so I got up and left the room to leave her be. I heard grunting coming from the room that Andrew told me was the home gym. I don't think much of it until I heard a loud, pained, groan coming from the room. I go to the door and open it only to find Andrew laying on the ground in grey sweatpants and no shirt on. He had a better body than I thought he did. 

He groaned again before I went to his side and elevated him a little bit so he was sitting up. "What happened?" I ask, trying to not show him how worried I was. "I got this really bad aching feeling and then this lump near my dick." He says, letting out another pained groan. I sigh. "That sounds like a hernia. I'll call a doctor. You should take the day off."  I say, helping him up. He gets up and says "Unless I'm on my deathbed, I'm going to work." 

He brushed past me and limped to his room. I followed closely behind him. "You need to stay home." He groaned again before holding onto the wall for support. "Now you care about how I feel?" He says, his words reminding me of last night when I left him alone. "You promised." He said, his jaw clenching when the words leave his mouth.

"I'm sorry. I made a mistake." I say, trying to grab his arm and wrap it around my shoulder to help him walk, but before I could do so, he pulled his arm away. "Yeah. So did I. Kissing you was the one thing I actually regret." He bit harshly. I took a deep breath and said "I'm not sorry about the kiss. It was a little bit sudden, I will admit. I'm sorry about how things ended. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I say, hoping my words would get through to him. He doesn't respond so I continue. "I think it would be best if we kept a professional relationship. For one thing, I'm still not really ready to date and plus-" 

"I can take a fucking hint. You're not interested. Leave it at that. I'm not taking today off." He says firmly, as if he's made up his mind. "Andrew, I never said I wasn't interested. I just don't think it would be a good idea if we were to date. Not publicly anyway." I say, trying to make light of the situation. "Then why don't we date in private." He states. It's not a question, its a statement, a demand. 

"Andrew, when we first met, you made it clear that you hated me. What changed?" I didn't know what else to say. I couldn't date him. Even if it were in private, it still wouldn't be fair for either one of us. There couldn't be a private relationship. It may work for other people but not for me. I wouldn't be able to do it. "I kissed you. That's what changed!" He shouted at me. 

I take another deep breath and say "Go and rest up. You need all the sleep you can get. I'll call the office and let them know that you're not coming to work today. I'll even take Korey with me so you don't have to worry about her. Please, just rest up and get better." My tone was pleading. I wasn't just asking, I was begging for him to stay home and get better.

With one final sigh he said "Fine, I'll call the office and the on call doctor while you go wake up Korey." I smile softly at him and just when I was turning around to leave, I stopped. "Why the hell was that so easy? What are you planning?" I had known Andrew for nearly three months now. Within that time I've learned that when he says he's going to go do something without putting up a fight, something bad was about to happen. 

"There's no point in fighting. I'm in to much pain to argue with you. Plus I don't want to give you the fucking satisfaction of thinking I forgave you because I didn't." He was being a child! I messed up, he kissed but I apologized. Isn't that enough? He knew me well enough to know that I hate it when people are mad at me.

"Andrew, what more do you want me to say? I apologized, I feel like shit! What more do you want from me!" I shout at him. I knew that shouting scared Korey but I  was to blinded by my anger to realize that she could wake up and hear jus arguing.  "I want you to know how badly you fucked up. I don't plan on forgiving you." He says, lowering his voice. He must know how much Korey hates shouting. 

I sigh, taking another deep breath. "Andrew I'm sorry." I say, meeting his deep green eyes. His jaw clenches as he holds onto his lower stomach. He was in pain and he needed to get a doctor. "You promised you wouldn't leave. You promised you would stay with me. Everyone who has promised that has left me. You included. I trusted you enough to tell you what happened to my sister, I trusted you enough to allow you into my house and bring that dickhead, who by the way, owes me nine thousand dollars for throwing up on my new couch and leaving in the middle of the night. I trusted you." 

I know I fucked up. I knew before he said that but the minute those words came out of his mouth, I knew in that moment that I was a bitch. I never meant to hurt him. I didn't want to hurt him. Not now, and to be quite honest, I don't think I ever wanted to hurt him. I lower my head as I feel tears start to form in my eyes. They begin to spill out and I can't help but sob. 

I was the bad guy in this. I was the one who hurt him, not the other way around.  I hear him groan out in pain before snaking an arm around my waist. "Help me get into bed and call the doctor and I'll consider forgiving you." He speaks softly. I finally meet his eyes again and they weren't angry anymore. They seemed sad, maybe even sympathetic. I nod my head and help him walk into the room.

Maybe he wasn't as cold and rude as I thought he was. Maybe this could be the beginning of a friendship.


This is not what I had planned for this chapter. I just thought that he was going to get sick and then she was going to take care of him and then they might make up and there might be a little bit of smut but I decided against it.

There may or may not be smut in the next chapter, I'll flip a coin if nobody comments. 

This is the beginning of all the sexual tension because honestly, there wasn't any that I noticed so far. I could be wrong and if I am, please let me know.

Also I think that the next chapter should be up a little later today or tomorrow morning, it just depends.

Hope you enjoyed reading!

Love you guys!!!

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