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Andrew had asked me to leave after finding out that I had cancer. One of the doctors who just so happened to be doing my chemo treatments had told him he wanted to test him for it because I have it. Apparently cancer can be caused by what environment and he let his curiosity get the better of him. At least that's what I was told. I don't know if it's true and honestly, I don't care. 

The man I cared the most about was pissed off at me because I was trying to protect him. He wouldn't even let me explain myself and why I didn't tell him. I felt awful about it but he didn't even want to hear me out.

Was what I did really that bad?

 I was walking down the street to go pick Korey up from school and take her to the hospital. She wanted to see Andrew but I doubt he would even let me within ten feet of him after the argument we had.

 I felt bad for doing what I did but I needed him to know that I was just trying to protect him. 

When I got to the school Korey looked a little upset about something. I wouldn't be surprised if it was because of Andrew. I walked up to her and squatted down to her level so it was easier to talk to her. "Are you alright Korey? What happened?" I asked her, trying to let her know that it was going to be okay. 

"I don't feel good." She mutters, putting her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her small body and pick her up and hold her as I walk back to his apartment. He had given me an extra key when he got his hernia and I meant to return it but I never did. Turns out it came in handy.

She wasn't that heavy and her small build helped  me a lot when I was carrying her. I didn't work out a whole lot so I wasn't as strong. I might have to consider using Andrews home gym to change that. "Is Uncle Andy okay?" She asks softly, nuzzling into me. I take a deep breath before responding.

"Me and your uncle got into a little bit of a fight. He hasn't spoken to me but last I heard, he was doing good and he'll be able to come home soon." I try to reassure her but I know it's not working. I know how it feels to have no one around. She has Andrew and that's it. It's the same for me unfortunately.

If he dies I don't know what I would do. Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm the source of all the bad luck. Maybe I need to leave Andrew for him to get better. I've already screwed up our relationship by not telling him I had cancer. I didn't want to lose him. He was all I had and he was all Korey had. If he died then I don't know what would happen to her. 

I feel tears pool in my eyes but I push them back for Korey. She doesn't need to see me cry. She can't know that I'm worried about Andrew. If she knows I'm worried, she'll worry and if she worries then this all goes to hell in a hand basket.

I finally reach his apartment building when I feel Korey start to snore against my neck. I smile softly at the feeling before going into his apartment building.

It was 1:03 AM when I woke up to someone moving around. I was a light sleeper which was helpful when I was babysitting my boyfriends niece. I grab a scrunchie that I put on Andrews  night stand and put it between my fingers, ready to shoot it at someone. I walk out of the room and slowly down the hallway.

It was only then do I see a large man walking down the hallway with a but of a limp. I flip on the lights and shoot it at him before looking to see who the man actually was. Andrew.  My breathing slows down when my eyes meet his. I go to hug him, ignoring how terrible he smells. He doesn't hug me back but I understood. 

I didn't deserve a hug from him. "Feeling better?" I mutter, looking up at him. He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here." I fight the urge to slap him because I felt bad that he was in the hospital. I'll make it up later. "Why?" Is all he says. I don't miss the emotion in his voice. He was hurt. Emotionally, not physically. Well , both actually.

"Why what?" I respond, although I feel like I already know what he was planning on saying. "Why didn't you tell me?" He says softly, as if that's as high as his voice could go. I lower my head and try to calm myself down. "I didn't want to make you more stressed. I've only known for a couple of days." I see his jaw clench and unclench as he brings his hand to his face.

"Annalise, we're a couple now. Your problems are my problems. I want all of you, not part of you. Cancer or not, I want to know everything. Please don't hide from me." He says, getting closer to me and putting my hand onto his chest. I can feel his heartbeat. I finally meet his eyes and I know that he's not lying to me. I look down at his other hand and he was holding a bag. He chuckles, clearly noticing that I want to know what's in the bag.

"I got you a couple of things. I know that you're going to be starting chemo soon and I hope this isn't insensitive or anything." He says, handing me the bag. I intertwine out fingers and lead us back to his room and turn on the lights.

I hop onto the bed and open the bag. It was a new dress that I had been looking at when we went to the mall for our first official date. I wanted it but I couldn't afford it and I wouldn't let him buy it for me. I smiled and dug a little deeper and saw a blond wig that was straight. "You can cut it or curl it or whatever you want to it. I thought you might like it."

It was insensitive but sweet, which are complete antonyms. I dig a little more and see some makeup products and skincare products. I always enjoyed collecting stuff like that and I guess he noticed.

I smile and get off of the bed and hug him. He hugs me back and kisses my cheek. "I am going to be right here every step of the way. It's going to be okay. You're gonna beat this,I know you will." He whispers in my ear. I smile into his shoulder.

For a small second, I actually want to believe this is all real. That this is all true. That I'm going to be okay. That I'm going to beat this.

But I know that the chances of that happening are slim to none.


Y'all this was supposed to be a slow burn book and here we are.

I will be writing a couple more chapters today and then tomorrow.

Hopefully I'm going to be able to start the new book that I want to start but if you guys have any ideas for the next book, let me know.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I didn't!

Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

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