Chapter 0 P.2

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Four days. Four days since I have been transported here. From what I gathered the area is much like the period of the Renaissance or even Dark Age. Though that would not be an accurate depiction, Jin analyzed. Taking a gulp of his beverage, he considered his surroundings. The inn reminded him of the different role-playing games he played back at home.  It had the classic area, where patrons gathered to hear tales or get their drinks. Even so, it had its own spin to it. Instead of wood, the flooring and walls were carved stone, eloquently designed and polished. His chair was red, naturally stained by the elements of the outside. If one looked outside they would see the rest of the different buildings maintained a similar design from weapon shops, general stores, or simple homes. For each building was made of pure silver stones. The patrons were quite odd to him as well. The first noticeable difference was their skin color. They were a light pigment closer to purplish-pink than any normal human he met. Horns stuck out of their heads, causing Jin to conclude they were anything but human. This is without mentioning their long red robes with a white tree design on the front and back, which contrasted with his black jacket and blue highlights. Jin continued to watched them, until one of the child bumped into him. Everyone now took notice of him, and the white beverage on his olive tone skin. 

Perfect. I better take my leave before their stares turn to daggers. Paying for his drink, Jin exited the establishment and was greeted with a clear black sky. He turned on a small device that gave a seismic scan of his surroundings. For the past few days, he has been searching for any other heroes who were transported to this strange world. "Still nothing. Ah, come on. I am getting a headache." Powering down his equipment Jin looked for a secluded area to sleep in. He stumbled to the stables and found a nice stack of hay to lay his weary head. Even so, Jin could not get a wink of sleep. He missed his family, his bed, and his dog. Now sitting up Jin thought about what led him to this situation.

After confronting Grey the Dealer, a strange light blinded him. Next thing he knew, he was taken hostage by strange thugs. Their clothing and weapons were archaic, armed with curved swords and tattered tunics. With his hands bound, one would think he was thoroughly incapacitated. Luckily for Jin, they were not familiar with his tools. Letting out a subtle signal, his belt became a flashbang. Though he was in the range of the blast, it gave him enough time to take down his capturers.

They were big, but he was fast and more importantly smart. One man swung his blade at him, allowing Jin to cut his own binds. Grabbing his gloves, a projection of blue light covered his hands that resembled small shields. Catching the blade in mid-air Jin blocked their attacks. Stuck in a hold, another thug used the opportunity to hit from behind.

However, they did not realize Jin was wearing transparent goggles that warned him of the attack. Ducking, the thug cut his ally instead. Grabbing a cylinder pen from the ground and clicking it, the pen turned into a blue shimmering edge knife. Letting out several dexterous stabs, the thugs dropped to the ground.

"Thankfully, my stun blades were charged that day. Their money helped to feed me too" Jin thought, spinning the pen around his fingers. Looking around, it was not lost on him that the scenery was similar to the old Christmas story. Late at night, surrounded by animals, it gave him a small amount of comfort. It was like being near Jesus in some ways. Because of this, Jin took out a small blue Bible. Flipping to the book of Luke, he started to read the Christmas story. After reading for a few seconds he landed on the verse, "And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger because there was no place for them in the inn." The words brought comfort to him since his arrival.   Soon his eyes grew heavy along with the book in his hands. The book and his head then dropped to the ground.


Back to the heroes' world, a female news reporter stood in front of a destroyed building.
"It has been a few days since the explosion in the Central Plaza Bank. Authorities are still examining the wreckage and the cause of the incident. President Anthony Grey, the CEO of Central Plaza Bank, was at the site during the explosion." A female news reporter explained with scenes of a skyscraper flashed by. Unlike standard buildings, one side of the building was jetting out. The entire top part was in a blaze. The news reporter then continued, "Fortunately, aside from the president, there are no other casualties that have been reported."

"Hard to report on something when an entire body is missing, not to mention you can't reveal their true names. Won't you agree, Pulsar?"A man asked, turning off the computer monitor. Behind him was a superhero dressed in all white with pink and golden highlights. Her hair was autumn brown tied in a braid.

"Did you find anything more about the explosion, Argos?" Pulsar asked, her voice heavily laid with worry.
Stroking his gray beard, Argos inputted something into his computer. A map of the city opened showing all the information regarding the situation. The contents of the explosion showed that it was alien or at least outside of their dimension of understanding. As for the life signs of the heroes, who were missing, came up blank.

"As you can see. They're gone." the man said while staring into a huge screen. This caused his counterpart to slump in a nearby chair. The look of defeat was quite visible, despite her mask.
"What am I going to do? How are we going to explain this to their parents," Pulsar whined.

"Pulsar, there are some good news. The screen shows that they are missing, not dead."
"So there's hope."
"Yes, but we need to also handle other things. And that is the fact, those four heroes are not the only ones who disappeared."
"Grey," Pulsar said with more venom than concern.
"Yes, but not just him. Despite a handful of heroes virtually gone from society, crime has not gone up. Specifically, super crimes. And some of our other 'friends' are not reachable."
"Are you saying-" Pulsar started out, beginning to connect the dots.
"For better or for worse, I suspect those young heroes did not disappear alone."
Argos said gravely, his entire attention glued to the screen.

A Superhero was transported to a Fantasy Word. IntroductionWhere stories live. Discover now