Chapter 1.3 Magna

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"Mighty Magna! Mighty Mater! Mighty Magna! Mighty Magna Mater! Mighty Magna!" The crowd cheered. Their voices could rival a thunderstorm, as excitement surged through the arena. Not just the crowd or spectators, but the participants were feeling the heat as well. Probably even more so, since their lives were at stake. Now one would wonder what type of game this is. The Games do tend to change week by week. However this week a rising star emerged the Mighty Magna at least that is what she called herself. The rumor goes that she fell from the sky like a meteor. Even weirder, her veins glowed hot yellow, and her skin was not human. She wore a bright oragne coat, a clean white tunic, and strange green pants. How much of these speculations are true, does not matter much. For the past ten moons she had become a fan favorite in the Games. Whenever she played, the seats were quickly filled and today was no exception.

"So Ladies, and Gentlemen feast your eyes as the mysterious star girl. Give it up for Mighty Magna!" The announcer exclaimed into an orb that magnified his voice. On one side were three men, one armed with an ax, another a spear, and the last one with a crossbow. The small group huddled together, with their arms visibly shaking. The sun's rays heavily poured on the participants, as each one of them felt their sweat trickled down their cheeks. The entire area shook as drummers and the audience's feet beat in rhythm. Before them a huge iron gate slowly rose to the sky. The sand shifted as if something was pulling it towards the entrance. Instinctively the group desperately tried to keep their balance.

"Ok, we got this," one man said timidly.


"Yeah, it is just one person. Not that scary," The other man agreed,


"Show time. Time to make your mom proud."


Exiting out of the huge archway, stood not an army, not a giant, but a girl, who barely was the width of their body or height. She wore a faded blue-jean jacket, and long black hair that covered her left eye. She had a huge grin from side to side.

"Alright boys, let's have some fun," The girl giggled, smashing one fist to her palm.

The whole arena suddenly became so quiet that even a drop of sweat could be heard. The three warriors stood still as if they were a dangerous beast. It felt like an eternity, the staring contest but in reality barely a minute passed.

"Cough," The small sound of someone clearing their throat sent them into a panic. Each one ran straight to the other side of the colosseum to get away from the little girl. Disappointment flashed across her face, at the disgraceful display.

"Aww. And here I was hoping for some actual fun. Oh well," Magna nonchalantly shrugged, practically skipping towards the men. One man made a mad run behind a destroyed cart. Taking a moment to breathe, he peered behind his shelter, searching for the girl. With his ax in hand, he readied for an attack. However, she seamlessly disappeared from the battlefield. A relief passed through him as his muscles began to relax. But when he turned around the girl's bright smile filled his vision.

"Found you," She said cutely. However for the man the voice might as well have been said by a predator. The last thing he saw was her one big round eye, glowing yellow.

The other men watched their friend being slowly devoured by the sand from the ground. They crept over his legs first, then his torso, then his neck. Instinctively one of them threw their spear at the sand, breaking its bond. The other man shot three arrows at Magna leaving three gaping holes. But unlike a normal person, there was no blood or organs, or tissue. Instead, it was purely sand that already began to fill the empty spots.

"Ouch," the girl said mockingly. Her arm launched out, forcing one of them to the wall.

"Eric!" The lone crossbowman screamed. He desperately tried to reload his weapon, but that is when a shadow fell over him. Steadily turning around, the man saw the girl's body was now completely made out of sand but the features of her human face remained. She grew four times her original height and is still growing.

"You guys remind me of the hero at Central City, but Knightwatch was far stronger than you." She chuckled. Her voice was no longer squeaky and cute. Instead it was gravely, and all consuming. The sheer power of her voice brought the man to his knees. "Come on. Don't be like that, the match was barely five minutes. Here use your weapon, I won't even move."

This she-beast was toying with us. The man realized. Fueled with anger he loaded his crossbow once again. Now unlike weapons on Earth, this crossbow was more like a dart gun. It can shoot five bolts at the same time. He let out a volley, but it was like getting hit by splinters.

"Ouch. Oh no. You got me," The girl feigned getting hurt, though everyone in the arena knew she was acting. "Your attack was strong, lone crossbowman. But it seems I still win."

Lifting one leg, her foot hovered over his body. Getting down on his knees he begged for his life. However this only caused the entire crowd to scream, "Finish him Magna! Finish him Magna! Finish him!!!!"

It was no use, the crowd even the lord was calling for his and his friends death. What a miserable way to go. Even now the girl's face was obscured due to the sun's light and the huge foot. Tears began to trickle down his nose, waiting for his inevitable death.


Strange. I thought death would be more painful, the man thought. In fact, it was almost as if nothing hit him. All he remembered was a blast of hot air, rushing past his face. Daring to peek, he saw that the sandy foot stood a good foot way from his body. Before anyone could realize what happened, his body was absorbed by the ground below. A hand was over his mouth, forcing him to keep his mouth shut. The last thing he saw was the girl giving a hush gesture.

When light finally reached the man's eyes he found himself in a barren field. Looking left to right, the crossbowman tried to gain his bearing.

"Hello," that same voice sent a spike of anxiety through his system. He sprang to his feet to only see the same girl, not the giant sand monster but the one that entered through the gates. Behind her, the man spotted his companions. Noticing the dread on his face she stated, "Oh, don't worry about them. I made sure they got a lot of air down there.

"What happened?" he asked carefully.

"You know, the crowd wanted another bloody gruesome mortal kombat death. Don't know why that is so popular," Magna said with no sign of remorse or fear.

"But you didn't do it,"
"Yeah, why would I want to kill you?" she said completely oblivious to their situation.

"But you are the Might Magna. The butcher of men, women, children alike."

"Oh, that was all lord Hendricks. He thought that would make more people come for more games."

"So it is all a lie,"
"Well, no. I mean I did hurt a lot of his guards when they found me. In my defense, they were pointing spears at me."
" I don't understand. Why spare us?"
"Oh that's right. It is because I made a promise to a friend."
"A friend?" the man asked, cocking one brow in the air.
"Yup. And I don't want to make him mad. So shoo, shoo," Magna ordered before her body was slowly blown by the wind.

The crossbowman was in a daze before adrenaline shot through his veins. Checking on his companions the man decided it was best to just take the blessing and be thankful that they survived against the Mighty Magna.

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