Chapter 1. P2

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Waking up, Jin felt his bones begin to soften. The hay bed was quite comfortable, which allowed Jin to feel re-energized for the next day. Continuing his morning routine Jin traveled deep into the red mountain's caverns to find a stream of yellow waters perfect for a brisk bath. Since the water was glowing Jin was able to see his surroundings. Following the stream he found a bunch of small green bushes. Inspecting their contents, he found a huge surplus of berries. Unlike on Earth, many vegetation grew deep in the caverns where no chance of sun could reach it. The berries were starlike with 5 pointy edges sort of like the Star of David only sharper and uneven. Surprisingly, to the touch their not sharp, so Jin was able to collect as many as he wanted.

"I can't stop myself from eating them. It's like a burst of Sour and Sweet. I got it, they remind me of Starburst!" I used to eat them all the time till the dentist filled eight cavities before I turned 10. I'll save a few for later, they may come in handy. Between scrubs and bites Jin's eyes and ears were on high alert for the slightest movement or sound. This may sound easy but imagine balancing spinning plates on your head and both hands at the same time. Seriously, the steady flow of water draining nearby would mask any other source of noise. The unmistakable sound of critters small or big, forced Jin to dart his eyes back and forth. Lastly, the feeling of being watched, made Jin's stomach twist.

"My sensors are not picking up anything. So I am alone," Jin thought, as he felt a pang of emptiness. While examining and gathering the fruits, a light rustling caught his attention. In one quick motion, Jin threw his stun blade in the general direction. Despite his quick reflex, his attack ultimately hit nothing. "I am starting to lose it aren't I. Only been doing this for a few days and I am already jumping-"


"Agh!" Popping out of nowhere was a brown dog with a white under belly and nose. Staring blankly at each other, the dog was simply smiling. Jin was too stunned to move a muscle. The dog then stood up. It walked towards Jin. It bent down ever so slightly. Then..........


"Hey!!! That's my bag of starberries!" Jin shouted, already giving chase. Apparently this cunning canine was simply waiting for its target to lower his guard before it got the real prize. The two were in a deep cat and mouse chase. Running from one cave to another, Jin tried all his might to catch the speedy rascal, though this turned out to be a far more difficult task. At one point, Jin was able to corner it but only for the dog to jump from wall to wall. The brown furball landed on a small opening up high, to which Jin was just flummoxed at the sight. For one second, the dog almost gave a victorious look at Jin. Next it showed its behind, rubbed its paws on the ground, and sauntered away.

"Come on! That's cheating.!" Jin stated, struggling to climb the steep wall. However, that only resulted in him landing on his back.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch. Alright that does it." Turning on his devices, Jin's boots now had a blue glow. Denying the law of gravity, Jin ran up the wall, to the small hole. He then sprinted through the tight tunnel. In the distance, he saw the dog standing near the edge.

"Stay right there!" Jin ordered though this was a mistake. Instead, he alerted the dog to his position which caused him to leap. Now at the same spot, Jin saw the dog rushing down another hole.

"I am starting to become a cat person," he complained, rolling his eyes and giving chase.

For the next thirty minutes, the two played another round, this time Jin was far faster thanks to his technology. Even so, the dog was quick and at worst cunning. One time it tricked Jin into entering a nest full of Thunder bees that were five times bigger than a normal honeybee. Comically, Jin was forced to run away and hide in a lake of yellow water.

"When I get my hands on that-"

"Ruff," the dog interrupted Jin's thoughts once again. Though something was different, the dog was now docile. One hand, Jin felt like he was being mocked. On the other hand, it seemed the dog was treating this entire situation like a game. The dog even dropped the bag completely oblivious to what it put the young man through. .

"If it was not for the fact, you almost got me killed, I would have called you cute," Jin contemplated, struggling to pull himself out of the pool

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"If it was not for the fact, you almost got me killed, I would have called you cute," Jin contemplated, struggling to pull himself out of the pool. His clothes being drenched did not help with his mood. Yet, it seems the dog was enjoying the attention.

Exhaling loudly, Jin crouched low, readying himself for the inevitable pursuit. "Game on."
In one step, he was on top of the dog, but the dog was not easily tricked. With lightning reflexes, the canine dodged, causing Jin to hit the wall. Scurrying away the animal was visibly having fun. A wide smile could be seen plastered on its mouth. Though in Jin's case, he was not quite as happy. They exited out the tunnel, on a small walkway. On their side layed a spacious cavern and a black abyss. The two ran for a few more minutes before a black blur swept the dog off its feet. Tacking its movements, Jin saw a bat-like creature holding the dog and his bag in its clutches. "Seriously?"

Changing gears, Jin unsheathed his weapons. When chasing the dog, he was actually trying to find a way to subdue it. But this time, he has shed his passive tactics and is going for the kill. The bat had aerial superiority and his boots only allowed to scale walls. Nevertheless, Jin was serious. Running up the cliff, Jin was higher in the air than the bat. Jumping off, he landed squarely on its back. The bat jolted at the foreign presence. Instinctively it tightened its grip, causing the dog to yelp. In desperation, the bat became erratic, flying to a wall to dislodge the intruder. However, Jin saw that coming and let go at the last possible second. Using the wall as a brace, he landed on the bat once more. Quickly he took out his blade and stabbed the bat between the eyes. The bat became still, letting go its prizes. The dog and bag were hurling to the darkness below, before Jin caught them, landing on the floor.

The dog graciously licked Jin's face, happy to be saved. "Hey, cut it out. I am still mad at you," Jin laughed, following no one with his words. Taking another look, Jin saw that the dog was a girl. She was hungry. Her hair was knotted with bits of dried starberries and dirt. She could have been beautiful if not for the dirt. "Between a shitzu and maltese." Jin thought.

"I see after all that, your little stomach is now hungry. Well who's a good girl? Who's a good girl?," Tossing the berry, the she caught it between her teeth in one leap. It took all but one treat and she was all trusting sitting close to Jin begging for more. "I'm not alone!" rubbing her head
"You remind me a lot of my dog Mochi. You two would have gotten along. But you look more like a Mocha eh girl."

"Ruff!" The dog replied, licking his face once more.

"Alright, alright. I get the picture."

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