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It's Saturday morning and I wake up with a raging headache and a dry mouth.

Lauren drove me and Marco home last night and decided to stay the night. After the events of last night she didn't want me to be alone. But she passed out the moment she got in my bed. I on the other hand couldn't sleep. Thoughts were swarming my brain it was impossible to shut it off. 

I mean, what the actual fuck??

Did Julia kiss me just to mess with me or was Lauren actually onto something. I said all that stuff to piss her off I didn't actually think she was in love with me. But what if she was? Hypothetically I mean. It's Julia. I hate her. 

God. My head hurts.

"Morninggg baby." Lauren rolls over trying to hug me.

"Woah back up! Your breath is rancid." I put my arms up attempting to get her away from me.

"You're one to talk!" She gasps. "You smell like a burnt down liquor store."

"Yeah thank Marco for that. He spilt a bottle of gin down my chest and dropped cigarette ash in my extensions." I groan.

"Marco drinks gin?" She laughs. "I wonder how he's doing, he was shitfaced last night."

"I'm good!" I hear a voice coming from the floor.

Me and Lauren both sit up to see Marco laying on the floor at the foot of my bed.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" I exclaim.

"Huh... no idea." He pulls himself up and starts stumbling toward the door.

"Jesus, you look like shit Marco!" Lauren calls out.

"Why thank you." He takes a bow before walking out of the room. 

He stops and walks back in.

"Oh my god! What do you want?"

"You had fun last night." He wiggles his brows at me.

"What is he talking about?" Lauren smiles widely.

"Huh? I have no idea." I feel my heart racing.

"My boy Hugo said he saw you sucking face with some girl." He smirks.

"What?! Who??" Lauren gasps.

"I don't know. Apparently she was hot though." He walks over smacks my arm. "Nice, sis!"

"Okay! Get out!" I groan.

He laughs and finally stumbles out of the room.

"Okay what the actual fuck? Spill!" Lauren jumps up and down on the bed.

"Would you sit down? I'm gonna throw up."

"You kissed RJ?? You had your first kiss and you didn't tell me?" She exclaims.

"Well... uh, about that."

"What? Is RJ like a really good kisser? Her lips look so soft and pillowy, she has to be." Lauren finally sits down and looks at me.

"It wasn't- It was..."

"It wasn't a good kiss? Do you not like her?"

I sigh and try to figure out how to say it wasn't RJ. I kissed Julia fucking Scott.

"Babe what's wrong?" She furrows her brows in confusion.

"Okay don't freak out." I say grabbing her hand.

"You know that's the quickest way to make me freak out! Just tell me. Oh my god did you swipe your v card??"

"What?? No!" I run my hands down my face. "I didn't kiss RJ..."

"But Marco just said- did you kiss someone else??" She gasps louder than she did the last three thousand times.


"OH MY GOD!! You bitch! Who was it??"

"Okay seriously don't freak out!" I exclaim.

"Ay Dios Mio! Just tell me!"

"Okay! It was Julia." I admit.

She sits there silently for a second staring into space.


"Oh my god... What the fuck?" She stares at me in shock.

"It just happened." 

"But she's horrible." She mutters.

"I know." I sigh.

"And you hate her."

"I know."

"She bullied you for years!"

"Lauren I know!" 

"That'ss... kinda hot." She smirks.

"Really?" I can't help but laugh.

"Okay wait! How did this happen??"

I tell Lauren everything. I've never been able to keep a secret from her. Not only am I a terrible liar but also she's like a human lie detector. 

So I tell her every little detail.

"So what does this mean?" She asks while she lays in my lap.

"I don't know."

"I always knew she was in love with you." Lauren smiles widely.

"She's not in love with me. I think she was just messing with me."

"Alright... but I don't go around kissing girls just to mess with them. There's something else going on."

"No you just go around kissing boys to mess with them." I tease.

"Okay true! But that's men."

"Oh 'cause that's so different." I laugh.

"Shut up!" She rolls her eyes.

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