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"I can not even believe this right now!" Lauren squeals while raiding my closet.

When I left RJs, Lauren was waiting for me at home. I told her every detail. I told her about the kiss and the date.

I gave her three days to calm down and I think she's actually gotten worse.

"Lauren, chill. She's not picking me up until 6:30." I roll my eyes as I lay back on my bed.

"I need time to get you ready! I can't believe we got asked out on a date!!" She screams.

"Uh, who's we?" 

"We're a package deal babe."  She says as she's throwing my clothes around.

"You do realize you're not coming right?" I raise a brow at her.

"I know..." She sighs in disappointment. "Take pics for me?"

"I'll see what I can do, weirdo." I laugh and shake my head. "I need to shower."


"Oh my god, It's 6:15 I'm nowhere near ready!" I exclaim.

"What did I tell you??" Lauren's doing my hair while I do my make up. "Y'know you should listen to me more often."

"Yeah, I've learned from the past that I should listen to you less. Now hurry up I'm literally about to have a panic attack!"

"Don't rush perfection!" She tugs on my hair.

"Ow! You were just telling me to hurr-" I stop when I hear a knock at the door. "Okay who was that? Now is not the time."

Lauren steps away to lookout my window.

"She's early! Is she a serial killer? Everyone knows 6:30 really means 7!"

"Lo, I don't think I can do this. I've never been on a date before!" I start to panic.

"It's a little late for that. She's standing at your door looking as fine as ever."

"Just tell her I'm sick or something!"

"No way! Either you go on this date or I tell RJ you've got diarrhea."

She knocks again.

"Shit! Go answer it before Marco does." I sigh.

"Ugh fine!"

"Stall her!" I call out as she runs out of the room.

"On it!"

I quickly finish up my makeup and put on the outfit Lauren picked out.

I quickly finish up my makeup and put on the outfit Lauren picked out

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I'm so nervous right now I could throw up. 

I stand in my room for a second trying to hype myself up.

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