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I couldn't wait to get my hands on him again.

After that evening I wouldn't say things got a little awkward between us, but he was definitely more quiet  and the Mandalorian was always quiet so this felt like a new level of silence I wasn't used to. After beekimg with him for over a month now, his silence talked. You just had to know how to listen. But it wasn't just him that was more quiet— so was I. I just didn't want to say the wrong thing and ruin whatever this could potentially become but I also didn't what to come off as some crazy lady who wanted to bed him.....which I was but two days had passed and he hadn't approached me. I was starting to feel regret and shame eat at my heart.


I stirred awake in my comfy nest of blankets. I got a little hot last night and ditched my pants at some point, leaving me in only my oversized shirt and underwear. Little did I know that the Mandalorian was just waking up as well and perched at the end of his hatch, letting his feet hang over the side as he woke up.

I sat up, letting the blankets pool around my thighs and arched my back as I stretched. I let out a satisfied groan and ran a hand over my face. I blinked my blurry eyes and blinked some more to make sure I wasn't seeing things. There was shiny, staring at me.

"Morning...I think?" I let out a tired chuckle," It's hard to tell in space." When I didn't get a response from him looked back at him with furrowed brows," You okay?"

He said one singular word with a thick baritone voice that would normally have me flushed," Pants." I was about to laugh at what a weird thing to say first thing in the morning then I looked down to see that I was, in fact, not wearing any pants. My black panties were there for Mando to see in all its glory.

I gasped and and pulled the blankets over my bottom half," Oh Maker!" I went beet red in the face," I am so sorry. I didn't even realize!"

I watched him sit there for a moment in that horrible silence. But then I watched him stand slowly with bated breath. I don't know what I was waiting for but I couldn't have been more surprised," Let. Me. See." I felt a shiver run down my spine at that. Was he serious? Was he finally coming to me? His order had desire pumping through my veins instantly. I looked around for the baby he must've understood my concern," Sleeping in his pram in the cockpit.

That left me and the stoic sentinel alone. And, Maker, I'll take whatever I can get. I bit my lip and sat back on my ass instead of on my knees. I slowly slipped the blankets off, revealing my sun-tanned bare legs. I watched his helmet tilt as he took in the sight of me and it set my skin on fire. He wasn't even touching me and he had this effect on me. I could already feel the wetness accumulating at my core.

He hummed," You think I haven't noticed what you do at night when you think I'm asleep?" I felt my blood run cold at that before I could say anything he stepped closer," My name coming off those-" he crouched in front of me,"-soft lips." I watched him take off his gloves to reveal perfect large hands. Just watching him take off the gloves so slowly was far more erotic than it should've been. I wanted them to roam over my whole body. I closed my eyes when he used a hand to trace my jaw and end with his thumb petting my soft lips. My breathing became more uneven. It hurt the way I wanted this man.

I opened my eyes and pressed a kiss to his finger. I heard his breath lightly hitch under that modifier. I reached out and grabbed his wrist and his hand with my hand. I placed the back of his knuckles to my lips and then the back of his hand," My offer still stands, Mando. Let me take care of you. You do-"I flipped his hand over and kissed his palm. I loved the way his breathing became heavier," -so much to protect us. To bring money in. Let me reward you." I kissed the tip of his finger before slowly sliding it into my mouth and sucking gently on it.

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