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I had grabbed everything I could possibly need to live out of a duffle bag. At some point I might have to see about getting a tote or storage box for my things but I'd ask about that later. Much later. When I felt I was comfortable enough to ask my mysterious guardian for one. I grabbed a few extra things that were more for my comfort that I probably didn't need to bring along, like my pillow, my blankets, the radio Kuiil and I would listen to music on, and a couple of games—those I was able to stuff in the bottom of my bag. I don't know what there was to do on a ship while we waited for the Mandalorian to return but something told me that it would get boring very easily.

Once I was ready The Mandalorian and I stepped out of the house together. I spared one last glance at the place I'd called home and had so many fond memories with Kuiil. Those memories will always hold this place as home in my heart but now? Now it was nothing to me. The sand would reclaim it in time. It always does. I turned back around and followed Mando up the ship's ramp.

There was more space on the inside than I'd thought there'd be. He had two different ramps that could be lowered, a carbonate facility, I notice a privy at the end of the hull and a compartment with a foam bed and little hammock above it. That must be where he and the child sleep. Which brought me to my question, where would I be sleeping?

I watched as the metal clad Mando walked over to a ladder," Well...make yourself at home." Then he ascended the ladder. What was I even supposed to do with that? There was an awkward tension in the air. He probably wasn't use to having another being live with him, besides the child, and I'd never been on a ship like this before. It was new and a part of me was scared. So I just...did as he told me to. I dropped my bag in the corner that lies between his sleeping hatch and some kind of locker. I had no doubt that there was probably a plethora of weapons in there that I couldn't even begin to name. Not knowing what else to do I followed him up the ladder to be met with the cockpit. I picked up the child who was in the co pilot seat and put him in my lap so I could sit there.

I buckled up and held onto the baby as if he was my personal stress reliever. I was definitely feeling the nervous butterflies. What if space travel wasn't what I thought it would be?

After clicking a few buttons the Mandalorian looked over at me who was staring out the viewport, chewing on my lip, and picked my nails nervously. "You gonna be ok?"

"Don't know yet."

He went silent for a moment and pressed a switch. As the ship's engines roared to life, my eyes widened with a mixture of awe and trepidation. I could feel the subtle vibrations that resonated through the spacecraft. I white knuckled the poor chair as we lifted from the ground. The sensation of weightlessness enveloped me, and my gaze fixated on the expanding expanse beyond the viewport as we put more ground between us and the sands I've known all my life.

For the first time, I witnessed the world below shrinking into a mosaic of desolate beauty, the familiar sands of Arvala-7 now a tapestry seen from the heavens. The blue curve of the planet, a stark contrast to the monotony of the desert, unfolded beneath me like a celestial canvas.

My breath caught in my throat as the ship breached the atmosphere, leaving the world I knew behind. The vastness of space beckoned, a cosmic dance of stars that seemed to stretch into infinity. I'd only dreamed of being blanketed by the stars and now here it was. Right before me. Despite the uncertainty that tinged the edges of my excitement, there was a spark of wonder in my eyes—a realization that the universe held more secrets than the shifting sands of my home planet.

"This is....I don't even have words. For so long I wished..." my words faded off due to my inability to even form a coherent thought right now. I felt my eyes grow wet again. For the first time I felt like the galaxy was within my grasp as opposed to being that impossible unattainable thing.

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