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love made me crazy.

THE PILLARS OF THE TEMPLE rose to the high ceiling far above the normal height of a post in a regular building. They reminded Regina of trees in a vast forest, each one giving life to a small segment of the wood all on its own. These pillars were comforting, in a way; they were home. Yet they also were intimidating, almost a constant reminder of the weight it was to be a Jedi.

Regina stood directly in the center of two of these massive pillars, staring down at the level directly below her. On that lower level, she could see Master Yoda teaching a group of Younglings the basics of Form I. She carefully observed as the children moved from position to position, their practice lightsabers ignited. Mixtures of blue and green flashed in the air, the steady hum of the weapons giving the room a different kind of sound. It was comforting. Like the pillars, it was home.

Of course, Yoda and the Younglings weren't the only Jedi on that level. Since this exact spot was near the Archives, older, more wisened Knights and Masters passed by, sparing quick glances at the Grand Master and the children, a few stopping to observe. However, none stayed long, if at all. Everyone had things to do; who had time for Younglings practicing Form I?

Regina sighed, thinking back to the conversation she had had with the Council not two hours ago. All the Council was waiting for was Skywalker's report of their actions, to see if he believed that their punishment was to be put into effect. Ironic, since the Council was putting the pressure on herself and Skywalker, rather on themselves, to make the final decision. But Quillow had told Regina that they simply wanted to teach the two Padawans to take responsibility for their actions. That didn't make her feel any better.

Of course, the Jedi didn't call it a punishment; they called whatever this mystery discipline was a "learning opportunity," one they clearly thought shouldn't be passed up by either of the Padawans.

"Padawan Sitara?" came the small voice of a child. Regina turned her head to see a small Youngling standing beside her. The Togruta looked up at Regina expectantly, a confident expression on the girl's face. She could hardly be more than twelve or thirteen years old, though she had a mature air about her bearing. "Master Yoda wanted me to inform you that Master Kenobi has arrived and is in the High Council Chambers. Master Quillow is waiting for you outside the Chamber doors." That caught Regina mildly off guard. Not two hours had gone by and they were back and in session? Without Yoda.
Regina glanced passed the Padwan to see that Master Yoda was no longer with the Younglings. She frowned. Was she really that far off her game?

"Thank you," Regina said with a slight smile, looking back at the girl. The Youngling smiled and raced back for her lesson. Regina glanced back at the training session below her. Sure enough, the Youngling had taken her spot back in the midst of her fellow Jedi-trainees. In addition, Master Yoda had disappeared and Master Unduli had taken over the lesson.

Regina took a deep breath and headed back toward the High Council Chamber, passing all sorts of Jedi as she went. Walking through the vast corridors, Regina began to grow angry with herself. She shouldn't be nervous about this meeting. In fact, she should be looking forward to getting this whole conflict resolved. But she had a bad feeling about what the verdict would be; she had a nagging sense that she wasn't going to like what the Council decided.

"Master," Regina said as soon as she reached the lobby that led to the Chamber doors. Quillow had been standing with his hairy arms crossed over his broad chest, staring out into the bustling and massive Courescant that let far below.

"Regina," her Master replied. "Master Kenobi and Padawan Skywalker were recently summoned inside. I doubt that it will be a long wait. I advise you not to get too comfortable." Regina nodded to her Master before stepping up beside him, her body language mirroring her Master's almost exactly–when you'd been training under the same person for over a decade, you tended to pick up on some of their traits.

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