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jealousy started following me.

"THE COUNCIL HAS ASKED THAT you and Skywalker appear before them tomorrow," Master Quillow said to his Padawan. The duo were sitting in one of the many chambers in the Jedi Temple, especially reserved for meditation and study. And that was exactly what the master and apprentice were doing.

At her Master's comment, Regina looked up from the holobook that was lying on the desk in front of her. Anything pertaining to Skywalker piqued her interest—it always had—but there was something different.

"Do you know why, Master?"

The Wookie shook his head with a negative grunt, expressing his doubts.

"I think it must have to do with Skywalker and Kenobi being assigned to protect Senator Amidala."

Regina gave a start. Skywalker and Kenobi were doing what?

"Master," the Padawan began slowly. "Master Kenobi and Skywalker are back on Coruscant?" When Quillow had told her that Skywalker and Kenobi were back, she had assumed that Skywalker would attend the Council meeting via hologram; she was clearly wrong. She has no idea that the master and apprentice were back. She'd seen no sign of them in the Temple.

Quillow studied his apprentice carefully, trying to understand what she was asking about. Deciding that it was simply curiosity, the older Jedi let out a sigh.

"When Senator Amidala arrived today, there was an attack on her ship."

Regina gave her Master no indication of surprise.

"Yes, Master, I'd heard that."

The attack had taken place that morning and all of the Jedi, young and old, were talking about it. Padmé Amidala was a great friend to the Jedi—and most importantly to Regina, of whom they'd had several encounters; besides, the Jedi as a whole considered Padmé a lesser of all evils in the political world. What's more, the Senator was supposed to attend a session containing an important vote that might change the tides of the entire galaxy. Regina didn't know the specifics, but if the vote passed, the galaxy could very well be at war. Supposedly, Padmé was a vital voice against the vote, and the Jedi were all for keeping the peace. This was extremely important.

And knowing Skywalker's past with the Senator, Regina knew it was even more important to him.

"Since Kenobi and Skywalker know the Senator from the Naboo situation ten years ago, it was requested by the Chancellor himself that they serve as bodyguards. Until the vote is passed, of course," Quillow continued to explain. Regina shot her Master a questioning look. Jedi never served as bodyguards. This was a special occasion, indeed.

"So why do you think I've been called to the Council, Master?" Regina inquired. The Wookie shrugged. Regina clicked off the holobook, gathering the object in her hand and stuffing it into the pocket of her dark brown robe.

"I think," her Master said slowly, "that since Skywalker is back for the time being, they want to give the two of you one final assignment, as a way to prove that there aren't any issues between you." It made sense. Though, to be quite frank, Regina hated the idea of it. "It's late, Regina. You can read more of the holobook in the morning before we run through drills. Go rest."

- CASTLES CRUMBLING (A.S.) -Where stories live. Discover now