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was it obvious to everybody else?

A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER, the trio, having met up with Kenobi and Quillow along with Padmé's decoy, bodyguard, and a handmaiden or two, were standing on the landing platform of a transport ship that would take the Senator and the Padawans to the spaceport for their trip to Naboo. The Masters had come to say farewell to their Padawans, a necessary precaution with some last minute instructions.

Regina and Quillow were standing off to the side of the platform, watching the line of air traffic pass by them.

"I can sense your anxiety," the Wookie said quietly. "Calm your mind. Trust the Force."

"Yes, Master," Regina nodded, taking a deep breath. It did nothing to slow her racing heart. Regina glanced around the wide platform. The three groups were the only people on board.
From where she stood, Regina could see Padmé, clad in her long, dark yellow robes complete with a golden headset. She was talking to Typho who had a very worried expression on his face.

Meanwhile, Skywalker and Kenobi were also discussing something. Regina watched as Skywalker folded his arms across his chest, his jaw clenched tight, his head downcast. He was clearly getting a lecture. Regina felt a stab of sympathy run through her. Then she looked up, startled. Never would she have imagined that she'd feel sympathy for Anakin Skywalker, but she did. She could understand him better now; and she pitied him.

As if he felt her eyes on him, Skywalker glanced in her direction. A small smile managed to slip onto his face. Heart racing, Regina diverted her sight back to her Master who was speaking.

"...And if you need guidance, you know how to reach me," Qwillow instructed. "I have every confidence that you'll accomplish your goal and that the Senator will be back in Coruscant very soon." Quillow gave his apprentice an encouraging Wookie smile.

"Thank you, Master," replied Regina with a smile of her own.

At that moment, a long ship flew in the direction of the platform. Regina watched as it pulled to a stop in front of the waiting passengers. Together, the Senator, Jedi, and attendants boarded the transport ship.

Regina and her Master were the first onboard. Going to to back of the ship, the duo observed the Senator and her group come in after. They settled in front of Regina and Quillow. Followed by Padmé and her entourage, Skywalker and Kenobi stepped onto the ship.

Skywalker's tan poncho scraped the side of the seat as he slid into the row in front of Padmé. It was quite the effective group of warriors, each protecting Padmé with ease.

"Master, do you really think it will be a short time that we'll be gone?" Regina questioned in a hushed tone as the transport began to move. Quillow paused, studying his Padawan, thoughtfulness written all over his face.

"I do," he answered after a minute. "I can't exactly see what is in the future, but I know that this adventure will be a short one."

Regina nodded, still thinking about what her Master had just told her.

"Will it be a good or bad ending, Master?" she questioned. He looked down at her, his face plain.

"That is hard to say, my young apprentice," he informed her, almost in a cold tone. Regina nodded when her Master didn't say anything else, and the two sat the rest of the short trip to the spaceport in silence.

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