Chapter 1: Secret Revelled

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Keith was struggling to defeat Zarkon on his own, he was so exhausted but no one noticed it that was a good thing, Keith hasn't been sleeping for weeks no one knew why he refused to sleep but Lance was always worried about him not getting any rest so tomorrow they had planned to put Keith to sleep...

"You can't defeat me" Zarkon said with a deep tone, his eyes glared at Keith who collapsed on the ground, he was still awake but he couldn't get up, Zarkon chuckled wickedly as he stepped towards Keith "soon, you'll be mine along with Voltron" Zarkon replied, Keith weakly stood up as he got out his sword.

Keith attacked Zarkon but Zarkon tased him making Keith fall to the ground, he didn't scream he had got used to that taser so there was no point in screaming "got used to it?" Zarkon asked, Keith nodded in response "you haven't told them yet, have you?" Zarkon asked.

Shiro who was helping Allura noticed Keith struggling "Allura" Shiro spoke, Allura faced Shiro "yes?" Allura asked, Shiro took a deep breath "it looks like Keith is struggling attacking Zarkon" Shiro replied "oh, I knew it!" Coran shouted "you did?" Shiro questioned.

Coran nodded "he said he'd fight Zarkon but I told him not to" Coran explained as he pointed at Keith "of course... Keith is the type of guy to refuse help" Lance explained, they all faced Lance with a confused look on their face.

"What? He'd always refuse to let us help" Lance explained again, Shiro sighed "ok team, let's help Keith!" Shiro yelled.

Keith was thrown to the floor by Zarkon "we will defeat you!" Keith yelled as he went for another attack but Zarkon dodged it making Keith fall to the ground again "yea well good luck with that because right now you're failing plus don't you remember your mission?" Zarkon asked.

"Release him now, Zarkon!" A voice yelled, Keith facepalmed as he saw his friends in their lions "Keith get out of there!" Lance yelled, Keith shook his head "thank you for your concern but I'm fine" Keith explained as he turned away from them "yes... That's more like it" Zarkon whispered.

Shiro flew with his lion to Keith stopping Keith from walking "you're lying again please stop lying" Shiro begged, Keith's smile faded as he faced Zarkon, Zarkon nodded "sorry..." Keith whispered, Shiro was confused until purple lightning hit Shiro's lion, Shiro couldn't fight it not for long anyway.

All the team gasped in shock as they watched Keith betraying them "Keith! What are you doing?!" Lance yelled, he had so many questions but didn't know which one to answer first "I'm sorry" Keith whispered again, he faced Lance as he smiled "it's my mission, capturing Voltron and then be out" Keith smiled, Lance was so shocked.

He didn't know what to do.

Why was Keith doing this?

Allura glared at Keith "your a Galra soldier" Allura replied as she looked at Keith "I... Yes, yes I am" Keith answered, Shiro looked down at Keith "Keith... It doesn't have to be this way!" Shiro yelled, he tried to reason with Keith but they didn't know how complicated it was for Keith.

"I... You don't understand!" Keith yelled as he collapsed on the ground, a few tears streamed down his face "I understand well enough that we shouldn't trust you" Allura answered, Keith started breathing rapidly, Shiro went out of his lion and ran up to Keith "calm down" Shiro whispered, Allura crossed her arms.

Shiro hugged Keith "you guys don't know how complicated it is for him" Shiro explained, he held Keith's hand gently "I won't let him hurt you" Shiro whispered, Lance was confused "what's happening to him?" Lance asked.

"He's having a panic attack thanks to you princess" Shiro explained, Lance's eyes went up in shock "Keith... I'm sorry" Lance spoke, Allura turned away from Keith "sorry Keith but for the sake of what you are... You're no longer a Paladin" Allura explained.

Shiro's eyes went up in shock "you can't do that!" Shiro yelled, Allura sighed "I'm doing this to protect everyone" Allura replied "by hurting Keith?" Shiro asked, he glared at Allura "I'm so sorry" Keith whispered to Shiro "it's ok" Shiro answered "it's not your fault" Shiro spoke.

"But... I kept a big se-" Keith was interrupted by Shiro "a secret that I only knew" Shiro replied, Allura gasped in shock "and you didn't tell us?" Allura asked "uh, what just happened? You told Keith that he wasn't a paladin anymore so that's why I didn't mention it, also he knew this was about to happen" Shiro explained.

A deep laugh soon escaped Zarkon's lips, Shiro and the other faced him "what's so funny?" Lance asked "oh nothing, I haven't told you yet... Not even Keith knows about this one" Zarkon explained "what's secret is that?" Shiro asked.

"Oh... That Keith is a clone"

Dun dun dun

Yea I know cliffhanger time!

Chapter 2 will be released some time later, I hope you'll enjoy chapter 2 when it's out.

Also in my Au, Keith is a clone that used to be working for Zarkon but Keith ran out of there after finding out something dark that Zarkon was planning.

My Au about Keith

He has insomnia

Keith has panic attacks often because of his nightmares

Only Shiro knows his secrets

Keith is close with Shiro

Keith has a crush on Lance but doesn't reveal it yet

He will reveal his secret feelings for Lance in chapter 7

Chapters for this story

Chapter 1: Secret Revelled (Keith Angst)

Chapter 2: Running Away (Keith Angst)

Chapter 3: Finding Him (About Keith And Shiro)

Chapter 4: Past Revealed (Keith Angst)

Chapter 5: Quiet Feelings

Chapter 6: Being Saved

Chapter 7: I'm Afraid You'd Hate Me (Keith Angst)

Chapter 8: Getting Used To Date

Chapter 9: The Big Plan

Chapter 10: Separating From Each Other

Chapter 11: Zarkon's Empire

Chapter 12: Sleeping

Chapter 13: The Curse (Keith Angst)

Chapter 14: Shay's Return

Chapter 15: Shiro's Escape (Shiro Angst)

Chapter 16: Let Him Go

Chapter 17: Taking Over

Chapter 18: Bad Day (Keith Angst)

Chapter 19: Winning

Chapter 20: Blood, Sweat And Tears

Chapter 21: Can We Win? (Keith Angst)

Chapter 22: Losing Hope (Keith Angst)

Chapter 23: More Secrets

Chapter 24: Your Perfect The Way You Are

Chapter 25: Tears Of An Angel

Chapter 26: Voltron's Victory

Chapter 27: Won The War

Chapter 28: New Villain's

Chapter 29: He's Back (Keith Angst)

Chapter 30: A New Start

I hope you'll enjoy this story

Have a good day/afternoon/evening

Bye and remember that you are special the way you are

Word Count: 1124 words!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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