Chapter 7

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Note from The Author: I don't have anything to say this time, but I'm only going to say this, I'm only going to say something if I have an announcement, or an event to say to you guys. To summerize, it means I won't say or put a note on the next chapter, if only I'm going to say something, or announce something. That's all I'm gonna say, keep going with the chapter!

Disclaimer: One Punch-Man characters belongs to the creator himself, ONE.





Chapter 7:
The Unwavering Diving Heroine.

In a random house.

Swim was scrolling down on the Hero Association website to get information about the mysterious Bald man with a Cape hero she just met the other day. She finally found him, he was also a Class-C hero, in rank 329. (Saitama went from 339 to 329, since he was the one who defeated The Paradisers. Along with Sonic, who is an Class-S criminal)

'He's a Class-C? But that doesn't make sense, how can a strong hero be in Class-C? Y'know what, nevermind that... I really need to keep up.' Swim thought.

Quick Time Skip.
Outside somewhere in City-Z.

Swim was carrying some grocery bags, while in her heroine costume.

'I'm wondering where that mysterious bald cape hero is, I really want to ask him questions.' She curiously thought, as her phone vibrates from her pocket.

She picks up her phone and saw there's a notification from the Hero Association. She wonders what it is again, as she clicks the notification and says:

"A Disaster Level Tiger has appeared at a nearby local family restaurant! Any nearby Class-C or B heroes, please, go there immediately!"

Said the notification sent by the Hero Association, as Swim sighs.

'Gotta do what a hero does.' She thought, as she puts down her groceries on a near by alley, and started running towards the location where the monster is.

Outside at a family restaurant called Mobdonald's.

"AAAAAHHHH!!! RUN AWAY!!!" Said a civilian panicking, as a bunch of them were running away.

The whole area was now empty, except for the monster, who scared a bunch of civilians in the area.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The monster laughed. "THAT'S RIGHT! RUN AWAY LIKE TOTAL COWARDS! THIS AREA IS MY TURF! YA HEAR ME!? MY TURF!" It said, while it looked like a tree. Its face had two holes as it's eyes, the nose was long as Pinocchio's nose, it's mouth was carved up to a smile, and it had human arms and legs; to summarize it, it looked like a human inside of a tree.


As Swim arrived, she was sweating; she was tired from running to get here.

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