inter chapter : I just was running, it's ok

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I was running. Yes, again. I dodged the branches of the trees, jumped over the trunk of a tree more than three meters high, crossed a lake full of carnivorous animals whose names I had forgotten. I didn't look back, though, which saved me time, even though I had an immortal monster chasing me. I only find my way by the noise and try to make my way through the dense greenery without getting lost.

I runned since three hours and the monster didn't give up. How much longer was he going to chase me? I heard a slight rustling in the trees and deduced that Mika had been following me. If he could get rid of this stuff that would help me too. Yet, the noises disappeared, except for the heavy footsteps of the thing that was chasing me at forty kilometers an hour (and no, I'm not exaggerating). I waited a bit but Mika didn't come back, and I guess Grégoire had gone the opposite way so he wouldn't have to run. Great, I didn't feel abandoned at all.

Oh yes, the explanation: it's their fault. We were looking for a strange plant that we only knew about its color for the old woman (I could hear her complaining from here because of that nickname). Anyway, we were gardening when Mika spotted a spider. Since we were in one of the most dangerous areas of this world, he had of course screamed and run around to make sure she didn't get on him while Gregory had surrounded himself with fire so that the spider (or Mika) wouldn't approach him. And that's how they woke up this nameless thing. Of course, instead of owning up to their stupidity and fighting it, they ran away leaving me to deal with this thing on my own. And to think that they were supposed to be survivors longer than I was.

Except that's when things got complicated: I wanted, as usual, to put him to sleep with my power but I couldn't. Why ? I didn't know . All I knew was that I no longer had my power.

So, I ran. I tried to throw energy at him but without success. I didn't understand what was happening to me and the monster was going too fast to really give me time to think about it and find a solution. I was trying to outwit him and was starting to get ahead of him more and more, except it wasn't enough yet. So, I snuck in wherever I could to gain a few more seconds.

After an hour, I was able to stop for a moment and try to channel some energy into my hands. I could feel an unusual fine warmth tingling my forearms. I tried to control her, but to no avail. It's as if it had never been tamed (yes, you can tame an energy. How? Long history...). I tried to throw it but couldn't. I thought about it for a while (yes, it happens to me) and remembered another method that only works with a different type of energy than mine (and yes I'm too lazy to give you a lesson about it). I could hear the monster coming, so I concentrated and tried this famous method. A much stronger heat went through my veins but did not stop at my wrists, on the contrary: it went through them naturally. Once out (no, I see you coming), this mysterious energy turned into electricity. A strong light blinded me as millions of voltes spread all around me. I manage to amplify it and the monster ends up leaving after a while. He must have had a hard time withstanding the light given the number of centuries he had spent underground.

I stared at my hands for a moment, not understanding. I tried again to launch my energy as usual and succeeded. I thought about it for a moment before I realized that my energy had returned. How and why, I had no idea. I lingered in my thoughts for a moment until a voice broke the silence:

Mika: He's here!

I looked around, still not understanding what had just happened to me. And yet I felt that the answers were not here.

Grégoire: Aïden, are you coming?

Me: I'm coming!

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