Chapter 20: Regrets...

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We all have them

Lenalee's POV

"Tell me what the hell that was?!" I yelled once we were on the boat and far away from land.

"No one told you about that before you came?" Lavi asked.

"No! My brother just told me to come help you two back to the Order, he said you guys ran into a Clan of Noah, but he never told me that person was Crystal!" I explained to them. I looked back at the land and frowned. "Why is Crystal a Clan of Noah? Has she always been that way?" Allen came to my side and touched my shoulder.

"No Lenalee, she told us herself that Road turned her into that. It was the Millennium Earl's idea..." I saw the hand at his side was shaking.

"Allen..." He looked away from us.

"Dammit! Why did this have to happen to our friend!?"

"Good question, I'd like to know the answer to that question too." We all looked up and saw Crystal standing on the top of the boat's sails.

I noticed her hair was dripping wet and her clothes were soaked. Was that just from when Allen knocked her into the water?

"You know it's not nice to stare Lenalee." She said and then landed right in front of me.

"Stay away from her Crystal. I'm the one you came for." I turned and looked towards Lavi who had dropped his hammer. She walked over to him and grabbed him by his orange scarf.

Oh no...

Crystal's POV

"Lavi..." I muttered and a bunch of memories and flashbacks came to me. When he saved me from the Akuma when we first met, our first job together, and our fight afterward. "When did I become this twisted?" I let go of him and dropped to my knees. "I've killed so many people, all the people who went back to my village I killed every last one of them... But for some reason I can't kill you..." I felt more tears stream down my face. "DAMMIT! WHY AM I CRYING WE DONT CRY!!!"

"Because you're human, you aren't some unemotional creature you have feelings. You feel sad and guilty because of what you've done. You feel regret because you're not like this... you're a nice person. Crystal don't do this." Lavi said bending down next to me and touching my head. I looked up at him.

"I'm so sorry, Lavi..." I got up and backed away from him and everyone else.

"Awe what did you all do to Crystal?" Road said appearing next to me.

"Perhaps it was not wise to turn her into a Clan of Noah, she still remembers all of them." Tyki appeared on my other side.

"Crystal, forget about them. They're Exorcists you're a member of the Noah Clan, the ones chosen by God." I shook my head lightly.

"You're wrong... would God truly want us to kill his creations and turn them into Akuma?" I said looking up at their shocked faces. "We are not apostles, we are killers. We're monsters that strike fear into the people." Tyki tried to reach out for me, but I moved away. "You're right Lavi, I regret what I've done. I'm sad because I never wanted to harm anyone, but I only followed orders sent to me by the Earl. But now I see I'm no better than an Akuma, killing is not how a human should act and how -if we truly are "apostles" chosen by God- should act. Please I ask for your forgiveness..." I said bowing before them.

"Don't bow to them!" Road yelled and grabbed the back of my dress. "You're a Clan of Noah now, not some stupid Exorcist!" I felt something in me snap and I felt all the pain and suffering of being in the Clan Of Noah vanish.

"No, you're wrong. I'm not a Clan of Noah, that's what you made me pretend I was. I'M AN EXORCIST!" I turned and shot Road away with my angelic powers from my Innocence. The cuts from Road's candles came back.

"Crystal!" I nearly collapsed as Lenalee grabbed me and pulled me back right as an Akuma shot where I had been standing.

"I don't have enough energy to stand..." I muttered before collapsing to the ground. Bookman and Lavi stood in front of me as Allen and Lenalee started taking out the Akuma. Road and Tyki had disappeared once again. I coughed harshly feeling blood trickle down my chin.

"Crystal, what hurts?" Lavi asked coming to kneel down next to me.

"Everything... I hardly remember what happened before I was taken, but I clearly remember after I was..." I shivered as I remembered the terrible pain I had been in for hours.

I looked up to see the last of the Akuma explode. Lenalee and Allen rushed over and looked at me.

"Are you alright?" I looked at them all.

"I'm sorry... I attacked you all..." Lavi rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair.

"You idiot, we don't care about that. Right now we need to get you all patched up." I smiled gently.

"Thank you..."

I gave in to the sea of darkness and slept.

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