🦌🕷 " Couldn't sleep " ∙ * 𝄪 。+ .

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Ship ; Radiodust | Alastor × Angel Dust
Type tags ; angst, fluff
Inspired? ; ✘
date ; feb 14 2024
word count ; 830

first writing in this thing!! ^_^ enjoy

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Stars glittered and dotted the dark red sky. Hellcrickets even seemed to chirp past the constant slew of cussing and car honking near the hotel.

There in his room, Angel Dust had been quietly sulking since a few hours earlier when he came home from his regular filming at the studio.

A soft presence nuzzled against his neck and snorted softly. Fat Nuggets settled down then, as Angel brushed his hand over the small pig's head.

Angel couldn't bring himself to move, even as a soft whooshing noise seem to flow into his room. He only barely bothered to hide his face when a soft, static-y "Angel," was directed at him.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Angel tried to sound calm, hiding his tone, but the heartbroken voice cracks over his words were obvious, as well as his accent. "I told everyone to STAY. OUT. What part of that wasn't clear?!"

"Now, that's no way to talk to anyone, now is it Anthony?" The Radio Demon allowed himself further into Angel's room. "I told you not to call me that, asshole," Angel finally brought himself to sit up, his mascara and makeup running down his face with his tears. "Now get the fuck out of my room."

Alastor swiveled with the use of his staff and leaned near Angel, not seeming to adhere to his directions. "..How about a deal."
"Now is so not the time, Al. You're not taking my soul."
"Oh, don't be so foolish, Angel Dust!" he wafted his hand. "Something in your eyes tells me your soul is already gone," Alastor's smirk became a little more jagged as he pointed to Angel's left eye.
"specifically that one."

"You've got about five fucking seconds to get out." Angel sneered, standing up. "I don't have what you want, so theres no reason for you―"

Alastor shushed him, placing his index on Angel's lips. "My deal involves me leaving, and it has nothing to do with your soul, Angel, dear."

Angel sighed and sat back down. "Talk."

"Good," Alastor nodded. "You tell me what you're so upset about, then i'll take my leave. Does that sound agreeable?"

"..What do you gain?" Angel sniffled.

Alastor thought for a moment. "Nothing, I believe," he assured.
"..So..why are you offering?.."
"Angel, why else would I make a deal so late at night?"

Angel Dust blinked, looking at the clock that had 2:45 plastered upon it.
He blinked back to Alastor.
"I dunno.. Can't sleep?"

"Right on the money. Now would you like to speak?" Alastor sat down next to angel, leaning on his staff.

Angel looked concerned for a moment but gave a small huff.
"..What do you do when you're stuck, Al?"

"Pardon?" Alastor's ear's slightly airplaned, which he quickly fixed.

"I mean, I'm trapped. I'm stuck because of a stupid choice i've made, Al, and its done nothing but ruin my life," Angel felt tears singe his eyes all over again.

Alastor originally planned to tune Angel out, but his rantings seemed to resonate with him.
He swallowed once, taking in what the spider painfully choked out.

Finally, Angel's tear soaked face changed to something other than anger and pain.
Clear on his face, his dark, hollow gaze, Angel muttered,
"I'm just.. Tired."

Alastor, besides his average smile, couldn't find the ability to bring his ears back up. They were flattened, pinned against his head.
"I, know you wouldn't trust a word out of my mouth, Angel, but I understand."

Angel's tired, dark face gained a small smile as he seemed to find some sort of solace in his attempt at comfort.
It was then he drew closer to the Radio Demon, and laid on his shoulder, bringing all of his arms around him.

A bit of radio static seemed to grow as Alastor suddenly blinked, more aware from the sudden proximity.
"whats this you're doing now―?" he stammered.

"A hug. Don't tell me you've never had one, Al," Angel chuckled in a soft, exhausted way. "We both know that isn't the problem here," he sternly flicked his ear, tense. "I advise you let go."

As Alastor opposed, Fat Nuggets waddled up to his lap and laid down, softly nestled against him. "..You, and your swine. Your debt to thr deal is in full, friend."

"I changed my mind, I want you to stay," Angel's voice seemed to cheer up. "Angel this is absolutely asinine," he irritatedly glared.

"you never shook my hand, yknow," he teased. "so you can stay. Besides, Fat Nuggets agrees, he wants you to stay, too." Angel's smile grew a little as Fat Nuggets oinked gently.

Alastor sighed and rolled his eyes.
"..If I agree to stay will you and the swine get off me?"

"Mhm." Angel agreed.
"very well then. I'll stay for just a bit longer."

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