🦌🖥 " adoration " ∙ * 𝄪 。+ .

243 3 10

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Ship ; Radiostatic (Alastor × Vox)
Type tags ; fluff
Inspired? ; ✗
date ; 4/11/24
word count ; 553
req ; ✔︎ // @theendofdaworld

An; hope this is okay. I wasnt feeling well (physically) and decided to do something thats 'productive' lol
Also this is a bit short, my bad.

Before anyone says something about vox drinking tea i present this image

Before anyone says something about vox drinking tea i present this image

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Vox swallowed. The worry was physically killing him. Yet, on the other side of the table, the Radio Demon sat rather calm, sipping his own tea.

Vox was absolutely ecstatic when the Radio Demon asked to be, quote on quote, 'closer'. Of course, a lot of things still weren't Alastor's favorite, but he seemed to be slowly more accepting of hand holding and hugging.

It wasn't just looks that made Vox want him,, it was the way he would make smart, subtle teases at him, that made Vox not only laugh, but blush at times. Or even the way Alastor would occasionally ramble about his own antique corner of technology.

Both had done their damnedest to keep their sudden closeness a secret, and so far, not a soul in hell seemed to recognize how often Alastor would visit for a 'meeting' or how frequent Vox would visit for 'technical difficulties'.

"Vox, I'm aware how I tend to make modern technology buffer, but you seem rather wrapped up in your own head, darling." He noted, lowering his paper for a moment and setting his glass of tea down.

"Huh-?" Vox jerked back into an upright position, a little blushed from his quip. "Oh, i'm just fine, Alastor, really, im just.. Thinking, is all." he replied.
"About what? Do tell, the paper's just as chaotic as usual, anyways." the deer demon seemed to slightly swivel, as he used is shadow demons to envelop the paper and swallow it into an inky abyss.

"Nothing new," Vox replied. "Just.. Thinking about..how it lead up to this," he shrugged.
"Go on,," Alastor urged.

"Well.. What if you hadn't agreed to join? I'm just―"
"Vox." Alastor paused him. "I agreed, did I not?"

"Well, yes, but-"
"Then why worry about a future that currently does not exist for us, Darling." he proposed it as more of a statement than a question.
"I'm here now, you're here now, and we both are still a well guarded secret, are we not?"

"I suppose so, yeah." Vox chuckled.
"Then don't worry a pixel on your screen." he hummed in reply. "Pf, whered you get that one? Valentino?"

"We both know Valentino isn't fast enough for quips, Darling," the Radio Demon chuckled, leaving Vox to snicker at his remark about Valentino. "I just like to gather rather entertaining puns for you. You can't be upset at that, can you?"

"I guess not, since they seem to be just you flirting," Vox teased.

Despite both being clear that they were 'dating' in a really vanilla way, Alastor still seemed to get flustered at the idea of his flirting being called out.

Blushing, he broke eye contact, and covered his usual grin, that wavered slightly. "I was not," he quickly defended after a moment of recouping.
"You were,, Alastor, admit it," Vox teased in a bit of a song-like tone now. "You are just impossible sometimes.." the Radio demon, a bit annoyed but flattered tone, had sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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