🦌🕷 " Late Impulses " ∙ * 𝄪 。+ .

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Ship ; Radiodust | Alastor × Angel dust
Type tags ; Fluff, Humor
Inspired? ; ✔︎hc4art, dreadfluent2 (tumblr)
date ; feb 17 2024
word count ; 880
req ; ✘

hello xP been wanting to do one of these for awhile i think his ears are adorable lolz
also inspired fic!! Both of them have awesome radiodust comics, you should check them out on tumblr!! :>
Btw, wrote this at 2am ;-; sorry for mispellings and such
& lastly, don't forget voting greatly helps!! And comments are very appreciated <3

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Angel Dust, leaned against the couch arm, watched Tv lazily as the street noise droned from outside.
It was late, and he probably shouldn't be up at this hour, but, when he tried sleeping, all he could do was think, which got his mind pacing.

As he blinked for a moment, Angel felt a presence.
Not one he could see, at the moment, however.

"..Greetings, Angel,"
A voice spoke.

"GAH!" Angel jerked, looking behind the couch to see Alastor sipping a cup of.. What he was hoping was tea, but knowing Al, it could totally not be.

"What business do you have scaring me at―"
"Two a.m.?" Alastor finished. "When you and everyone else should be asleep so I may have my peace?" he sat down at the other end of the couch, triggering Angel to fix his position into sitting up.

"Look, I just-.. I'd rather fall asleep than purposefully go to sleep." Angel Dust rubbed his eyes. "Seems you've been at it for awhile, I suppose," Alastor took a sip from his cup.

"Yeah.. I've taken melatonin.. But .. Its like I just can't sleep," he sighed. Alastor stood up. "Well, your first issue is this box of bad news," he chimed, turning off the tv. "What the- hey! Now its all dead quiet in here.."

"Well, i'd be happy to turn on the radio, Angel dear," he presented the radio on the wooden inn table near the dim table lamp.

Angel crossed his arms, then sighed, waving his hand to signal a sort of 'yeah. Sure. Whatever.'

Turning it on, Alastor settled on one station and nodded, flicking an ear.

Angel began to listen to the melody as he reached into his pocket and got his phone, letting the tune lull him as he scrolled.

Suddenly, Alastor took his phone away, too.
"If you want to fall asleep, a cellular won't help with that."
"Well then what am I supposed to do while I fall asleep, genius?" he crossed his arms, fidgeting with his sweater sleeves as he met Alastor's eyes.
Glancing slightly up, he smirked.
"Your ears. Can I―"
"Absolutely not," he reluctantly spoke.

"Oh, cmon, it'd just be until I fall asleep! Then you can move and-"
"Al, please," he sighed.
"No." Alastor's ears lowered.
"I'm just gonna keep nagging you until you do."
Alastor grumbled at the thought.
"Not a word about this," he agreed, although quite obviously reluctantly.

Angel brightened up, as he got closer to Alastor, now quite tense that Angel and him were sharing space so close to eachother.

"Alright, do you want me to like,―"
"Angel, do not make this more uncomfortable than it already is." he held his gaze away from him, trying not to make eye contact.

"Okay, sheesh, just askin' if this had a right way to do it.." Angel began to gently stroke and scratch his ears. "That's good, right?"

Alastor gave a sigh as he pet him. His soft hands brushed against his furry ears, and as nice as it felt, Alastor still managed to question why in Lucifer's red hell would he agree to this?
I mean, he didn't completely regret it.
"It's fine, how you're doing it is fine," he suddenly answered, leaned forward and thinking.

"..Y'know, you can lay back, right? You're gonna hurt your back if you stay over like that." The spider demon kept stroking his ears. "I am not touching you any more than I have to for this, Angel."

"You'll live, Al." he calmly told him, pressing the Radio Demon back a smidge, and onto his chest.

Al was tense for awhile as Angel shut his eyes and relaxed. The more he was pet, the more he began to relax.
"'Ey, Al?" Angel asked rubbing his thumbs against the backs of each ear. "Your ears are real soft, yknow."

The deer demon blinked, rubbing the middle of his eyes. "What, did I fluster you?"

"Of course not," he responded stubbornly. "Would it kill you to just say this feels good?" Angel teased.
"Alright!" he statically admitted. "It feels somewhat nice, but listen to me when I say that this was a one time thing."

"Surrre~" Angel rolled his eyes, closing them and yawning as he scratched the demon's ears.

Quiet moments later with soft jazz in the background, Angel's petting had drawn a slow and steady decline before he had fallen asleep, his hands and body limp. Alastor blinked awake suddenly, only being in a sort of half-asleep-half-awake phase.

Developing into a shadow for a short moment, he sank away from the other's grasp to observe the spider. Deciding, to be nice for a moment, Alastor drew a blanket over him.

"Not a word," he repeated, slinking away. Angel was of course, fast asleep.

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