🦌🕷🍾 " Bar talk " ∙ * 𝄪 。+ .

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Ship ; Radiodusthusk | Alastor × Angel Dust × Husk
Type tags ; fluff

Inspired? ; ✘
date ; feb 16 2024
word count ; 902

hii!! Another radiodust shot :> also im promoting on tumblr now XP also i dont really drink alcohol, so im not well reimbursed with which drinks each character would favor lol also wow!! Rare husk cameo :,3

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Alastor approached the bar, sitting down at one of the red velvety stools and tightening his bowtie.
"Your finest glass of vodka, Husker," he ordered. The Radio demon had a straight posture, and a relaxed gaze, which put Husker off.

Well, Alastor always made Husker uneasy. Everything about him was unsettling.
"Well?" he asked.

Husker blinked back into reality and nodded. "Yeah," he quickly reached onto the shelves, grabbing the ingredients, only consisting of a fine glass and the bottle itself. "What's the occasion?" he asked, folding his wings a little closer to hopefully let the uneasy atmosphere around Alastor slide off his back.

His voice a little staticky, Alastor answered, "I've had a hard day, that's all." he simply said, taking off his monocle, and cleaning it with his sleeve.

Husk handed him his drink. "Well, drinking won't exactly help that, boss," he advised. "Husk. Do not get involved in places you do not belong." Alastor sternly said, a glint of violence in his dark maroon eyes.

As Husker moved the glass close to Alastor, he backed up, flicking his ear. "I wasn't. My fuckin bad I try to not make you an alcoholic." Husk rolled his eyes.

"I can handle my own, Husker," Alastor shot back, not breaking eye contact. "Do not worry your fuzzy head."

"Don't patronize me." he jabbed back, flicking his tail and grabbing some booze for himself.

Just then, the hotel doors slammed open, revealing the harsh, cold rainy exterior of the outside. Angel Dust staggered in, looking like a usual mess when he arrives back from filming.

Sitting down at the bar and laying down his head, he groaned an exhausted, "I need a drink," to Husk. "Som'n hard."

Husk sighed. "Rough night, too?" he softly inquired, doing as Angel requested. Angel raised his head as he felt the glass nudge against his hair.

"Yeah.." Angel looked up long enough to see his tired eyes, darkened from the mascara running from his face. "Imean, I could barely walk this time―..wait, 'too'?" he looked up, confused, noticing Alastor. "Greetings, Angel Dust," Alastor calmly spoke.

"Alastor??" he stared. "But- I thought you didn't drink??"
"I don't," Alastor hummed. "But, like you, i've had a hard day." his voice lowered, before his ears pinned.

Angel Dust exchanged a glance with Husk, before husk simply displayed a go with it, look.

"Hm." Angel smirked. "Well, suppose you don't mind hearing about my greatest story yet," he took another sip of his drink.

Alastor's ears airplaned as he thought about what awful, perverted story Angel could tell, however, Husk seemed to be interested. Angel cleared his throat.

"So I get in the studio today, and Val had to read this script, right? And remember― I told you his eyes are shit, and he sat there for a full damn 10, maybe 15 minutes stammering on the first paragraph!" Angel laughed, along with Husk as he heard the story.

Alastor couldn't help but letting out a small heave of a chuckle. Jokes and passes about the Vee's were his 2nd favorite, right behind jokes about stock market crashes and the Teapot Dome scandal..

"Alastor, was that a laugh I heard?~" Angel teased. Alastor reestablished himself and sighed. "I found your story humorous, nothing more, nothing less."

"You thought it was funny, I can tell," Husk had a smile on his face, unusual for the bar cat. "Oh-oh! I've got another, have you ever seen Val get upset at shit he can't control?? He starts making these priceless little moth noises and nobody takes 'em serious anymore! Ha!"

All while Husk and Angel were laughing, Al covered his mouth to keep from laughing, only making a soft, muffled chuckle into his hand. Angel pointed. "See? You are laughing, you do think i'm funny!"

"I simply do not know what you are referring to," he swallowed another sip after giving a sigh. "Now please, the last thing I need is a headache."

"Admit it, you think my stories are halarious." Angle snickered. "I see it on his face." Husk uttered, smirking. Angel Dust brightened up again, "Oh Oh, speakin of face, one of the cast guys told me he clings to Vox because of the blue light on 'is face!" he giggled.

At that, Alastor had to set down his drink, and cover his mouth to stop himself from spitting out his drink.

Angel proudly smirked. "Yep, he knows its funny," he beamed.

"I admit, that is a rather amusing thought," Alastor laughed a tiny bit, hiding his further entertainment. He had paused for a moment, taking a retrospect on the situation.

Angel's joking wasn't full of sexual innuendos like it usually seemed. He acted.. Looser, around Husk. Less restrained, almost.

Of course, he decided against asking, as it would ruin the mood of their bonding and..fondness. The closeness they had was something Al wouldn't mind sharing with them, but Angel would only be around him to make passes, and Husk was only around him because he had to be.

He gave a quiet sigh.
Maybe someday.

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