chapter 2 the hangout

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I officially found the best picture for this now onto the story

It is now morning (9am) Izuku has gotten up and is now at work

IZUKU THERE IS A CUSTOMER THAT WANTS A REGULAR COFFEE WITH MILK AND NO SUGAR- hiko ( what is this a new charecter? Yes yes it is : D )

Hiko-San there's no reason for you to scream and okay I'll make it just gimme a second-Izuku

He goes to the coffee machine and makes the drink

Hiko-san who is this drink for?-Izuku

The homeless looking man-hiko

That's mean and I still have no clue who to give it to-izuku

Finee it's the one in black and wearing a gray scarf thingy on his neck - hiko

Thanks hiko-san-Izuku

Izuku goes to the person that hiko had described and hands him the drink

Here you go mister!-Izuku

Thank you-Aizawa

No problem! If you need anything else just ask!- Izuku

Aizawa had only a sip but then decided that this is the place he would be coming for coffee everyday

After Izuku's work he got home and showered excited for kacchan to come over

*knock knock*

Izuku ran to the door and opened it


He hugged bakugo

I missed you-Izuku

I missed you too nerd- Bakugo

They went upstairs to Izuku's room

So Kacchan what did you bring? Izuku asked curiously

I brought connect four and monopoly - Bakugo

I'm so gonna beat you! - Izuku

You can try- Bakugo

After they played monopoly

How. Did. You. Win. AGAIN?!

I'm just too good- Bakugo

No that's not it you brought the games you were good at if you had brought the games that I was better at then I would have a better chance at winning to be precise probably a 75 percent chance of winning but then again you are also good at some of those games making my chance of winning back down to a 55 percent- Deku stopped as he realized what he was doing

SORRY! I didn't realize I was talking out loud- Izuku

I really thought you would stop when it came to things other than heroes - Bakugo chuckled at him


Bakugo gives him a small kiss on the lips which makes deku blush

K-kacchan -deku

Deku hid his face in his hands

We have been dating for YEARS and you still get flustered if I give you a kiss?- Bakugo

YES. YES I DO.-Izuku ( \\\\\\ )

So you're gonna be too flustered to win or are you gonna just fail normally 🤔- Bakugo

Deku completely forgot about what had happened and got competitive

I'm gonna win normally!! 😤- deku

Keep dreaming -Bakugo

Dreams can become reality!!😤-deku

Is that not what you said about being a hero 🤔 - Bakugo

Well this goal is not out of reach -deku

Says you-Bakugo

Oh I'm so gonna beat you -Izuku

Time skip to after the game of connect four

It's a tie?- Izuku

Nice job Deku 👏 you did quite good -Bakugo

Kacchan you could just say that you're bad - Izuku

You know that you didn't win either right? - Bakugo

Sooo rematch!! - Izuku

Fine - Bakugo

After match 2

Another tie? - Izuku


Deku giggled at his boyfriend getting angry

Let's try one more match, y'know to settle it once and for all - Izuku

Fine - Bakugo

After match 3

I WINNN!! - deku started smiling and giggling happily at his victory

I won against Kacchan!! - Izuku

Fine, you are not that bad - Bakugo

Kacchan I beat you who are you to be talking? - Izuku

But what do we do now 🤔- Izuku

I know! We could go to the mall there were some new games at the arcade and there's a new all might figurine - Bakugo

That's a great idea Kacchan!!- Izuku

Then go get dressed I'll clean up then wait for you here-Bakugo

Okey!! - Izuku

Izuku got dressed then went to Bakugo

Took ya long enough - Bakugo

Sorry - Izuku

I like your outfit - Bakugo

Thank you Kacchan 😊 - Izuku

Let's head out now - Bakugo

First they bought some all might and other heroes merch for deku then they ate some sweets. Now it was time for the arcade.


What's up nerd? - Bakugo

Look, there's a racing game want to compete. That way, we can settle the score. You won Monopoly. I won connect four let's see who the champion is!! - Izuku

Izuku was so excited so Bakugo agreed

Just a warning I'm going to win - Bakugo

You wish - Izuku

1 minute into the game

How. Is. Racing. So. HARD. I thought it was like in real life why is it hard online? - Izuku

Well maybe you're just bad? - Bakugo

I am not! - Izuku

After the game

Told ya I'd win - Bakugo

Fine I guess you did win fair and square 🙄 - Izuku

Well we should head back now it's getting late - Bakugo

It is? - Izuku

Izuku checked the time it was already 11:15 pm

Yikes it is late - Izuku

They headed back to Izuku's house. Bakugo grabbed his games that they had left and said goodbye as he gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Bye deku - Bakugo

Bye Kacchan!! - Izuku

this took me a long time but hey I managed to finish it the next one will be what happened in the meantime and the aftermath maybe some more I'm not sure yet.

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