Chapter 4 Confronting

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I want to say that I drew the image at the top. Is it good? I took far too long to finish this drawing of Eri, but I wanted to use it sooo.... ANYWAYS, let's begin!!!

By the time Bakugo gets back from his hangout with Izuku, everyone is asleep so he heads to his room and passes out due to it being late and him being tired.

In the morning.......

Bakugo heads downstairs when he gets there everyone is already having breakfast

Morning Bakubabe! - Mina

Mornin - Bakugo

Bakugo we need to talk after breakfast - Kaminari

And why exactly? - Bakugo

Cuz we said so? - Jiro

Fine *tch* - Bakugo

After breakfast, they all sat on the floor near a couch or on a couch.

So what did you extras need from me? - Bakugo

We want to know where you go every weekend - Asui

Yea, no. Sorry not sorry, i'm not telling you extras anything. - Bakugo

C'mon man that's unmanly of you - Kirishima

I'm not telling you nothin - Bakugo

Bakugo headed to his room after that. He did not want them to catch on. After all, Izuku said that he wanted to keep it a secret. Although Bakugo did not know why he wanted it to stay a secret, he followed his boyfriends request.

( Texting Izuku = 🥦 Bakugo = 💥 )

💥: Hey deku.

🥦: Hi Kacchan! Why did you text?

💥: The others are asking about where I go on the weekends. Because of that, I want to tell you that it's okay for them to know, but because you never want to tell anyone anything, i'll keep it a secret for a little longer.

🥦: thanks, Kacchan, and can you please continue to keep it a secret for as long as you can? I have my reasons, believe me.

💥: they're gonna find out eventually y'know.

🥦: then they'll find out when they have too but for now. Keep. It. A. Secret!! Okay?

💥: Okay fine deku. Anyway bye

🥦:bye Kacchan!!

In the meantime......

Seriously he left?! - Kaminari

Not manly! - Kirishima

Just saying I can brainwash him to tell us - Shinso

Shinbabe no we're not brainwashing him if he does not want to - Mina

But why not? - Shinso

Because we'll be stalking him instead! - Mina

As your class rep, I do not approve of such behavior! - Ida

I mean... he is keeping something from us, and we want to know, so I'm in - Momo

They all eventually agreed to stalk hi- *cough* *cough* I mean follow him the next time he goes.

Bakugo comes back to the group after their conversation.

Oi extras, I'm back! - Bakugo

Bro just in time come join us! - Kaminari and Kirishima

We're playing Uno - Sero

Yea I'm comin - Bakugo

They played games till it was night time. Everyone is now asleep and tomorrow is their last off day. ( btw tomorrow for them is Monday but they have it off )

Sorry this chapter is short I didn't really know what else to add, but I hope the next chapter will have more. I'm really happy people are actually reading this. Also I think I might start posting weekly or should I post every 2, 3 or 4 days? You decide. Anyways bye!!

Word count: 538

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