Chapter 10: Hurt

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Hello there, hoomans. I am a hooman, and you are a hooman! Hoomans like to read what other hoomans provide, so enjoy this hooman!!

Izuku POV:

I woke up in a hospital bed? No, it's probably something like a nurses office. I'm at U.A. after all. Why am I here, though? Oh, right. Suicide attempt. Why did Kacchan stop me? I thought he........hated me. I try to sit up but immediately notice something on my lap. I look down to see Kacchan laying his head on my lap. I probably annoyed him a lot.

"Kacchan?" I said while slowly shaking his shoulder in an attempt to wake him up.

"Deku? You're up!" He immediately sat up and looked at me with worry. "Are you okay!? How are you feeling!? Can we please talk about that? I don't want you to feel upset to the point you try that again!"

"Kacchan, I'm okay. I feel fine. Seriously." I reassure him.

"Then why would you try that!?" I looked at his face. He was extremely stressed. I didn't understand why he even cared about me.

"I tripped!!!" I smiled at him, hoping that I didn't sound completely stupid.

"Hun, you don't almost commit suicide because you 'tripped' also you were standing straight. Not 'tripping'" he bent two of his fingers mocking the word "tripping. "

"Now, why did you do that? I want the truth. I care about you, Izuku."

"I don't know........everything just felt so hopeless. It felt like everything hated me. Including you. I wanted to feel the pain mom felt. She didn't deserve anything that happened. I deserve much worse. It's all my fault she got hurt. I don't even have a purpose, Kacchan. What am I here for?"

"You may not see it, but I do. You are a kind person who tries so hard. You will work for what you want, and you support others. Your mom didn't deserve that. No one does. Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault she was killed. It's all that damn villains fault. You did nothing wrong. You are here for so many reasons." At this point, I'm crying. Pathetic.

I cry more and more and hug my chest, searching for comfort. I feel him wrap his arms around me. "Let it out hun. Let it all out." I cry into him for about a minute before pulling away. "S-sorry," I say while staring down.

"Don't be sorry. There's nothing you need to apologize for."


"Oh, dearie, you're awake?" I look to the voice, and there stood a pretty grandma. I don't think I've seen her before.

"Y-yes, ma'am"

"Please, call me Recovery Girl."

"Okay, Recovery Girl."

"Can I ask you a few things?"


"How do you feel? Does anything hurt?"

"I'm j-just a little t-tired, but I'm fine."

"If you want, you can leave, but feel free to stay if you feel too tired."

"I can leave."

Kacchan and I left and headed back to the dorms. I know that both him and I know I can't stay here permanently. I wonder where I'll go?

"Deku, we both know you can't stay at the dorms due to the rules, so I rented you a hotel. It's close to your school and the cafe you work at. I'm visiting you every two days. Got it?"

"Got it. Thank you, Kacchan. "

"And one more thing." I turned to face him. "Don't do that ever again. I don't want to ever see you like that. If you need you can talk to me. I'm here for you."

"Thanks, Kacchan." I said before hugging him tightly.

"Don't worry about it, nerd." He said, ruffling my hair.

Kacchan gave me the keys, and I headed to the booked hotel room.

It had a large bed, living room, bathroom, balcony, microwave, and a mini fridge.

I just had to get my stuff from home..... Sadly, knowing how this world works, they probably abandoned the house after getting rid of evidence.

I headed back to my house, and as expected, it was like nothing ever happened. Although there was a note saying which graveyard she was buried in. That was really stupid to read. I'm gonna visit her, though.

I grabbed some necessities like my toothbrush and toothpaste, money, phone, pictures, sleeping bag (just in case), etc.

After I got back to the hotel, I set everything down and got to unpacking. I already miss my mom. It feels so empty without her voice.

I didn't exactly have much to do, so instead, I took a small walk. I went to a park and sat on a bench with some earbuds to listen to music. I might have sat there for an hour or so? I was planning to leave after two more songs, but then someone yanked out my earbuds.

"Hey........." I said, turning around but immediately freezing in horror.

"Hey there, quirkless freak!" Said one of the three while gripping my shoulder extremely tightly.

"Did you hear his mom died!" Said another one of the three.

"She was so goddamn fat! That villain did us all a favor!" Said the last one of the three, and this comment made them all erupt into laughter.

I want to go away. I don't want to deal with this today. I want Kacchan. I want mom. I don't want to see these people.

"So, what are you gonna do now? Cry?" Asked the one with a harsh grip on my shoulder.

"Please, s-stop talking about my m-mom like that." I said shakily. My shoulder hurt so badly at the moment. He kept on digging into it. I was sure it was bleeding by now.

"Don't tell us what to do!" Said the one who had just let go of my shoulder to punch me across the face.

I never actually talked back to them. I let them do what they wanted. If I were them, I'd also be surprised. But did he really have to punch me?

I held my face in pain. Only to be kicked off the bench by another one in the group. While I was on the floor they took my earbuds ripped them threw them in the grass and left, making one remark

"I hope you rot in hell like your mother is right now."

I was now lying on the ground crying. It might already be 9:00 P.M. or so. It's dark outside, but my body hurts. Apparently, concrete is not the best thing to fall onto.

I got up after about 10 minutes of doing nothing. I looked at my shirt to see a few blood stains. That's why my body hurts! Dang, I'm weak!

I headed back to the hotel and went to bed. I dreamt the same dream. My mom. Gone. I hate seeing that horrific sight. There is so much blood. I don't like it. I don't even understand. The villain had no reason to kill mom. He made her bleed out, and for what?

Mom did nothing. Mom never hurt anyone. Mom was so kind. She was the kindest. Why? How could someone ever do this?

Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm just gonna explain a few things. I haven't been able to write a lot recently, and I'm currently trying to get back to it! I am right now working on a one-shot and I want to finish it so I will not update this book until I finish that one-shot (or if I get bored then I might end up updating this book) anyways if you see an error then please correct me and have a great day!!

Word count: 1290

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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