39 - Where The Sun Doesn't Shine

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First day at Park's Corporation. I'm so nervous I could burst into a million pieces. I spent the whole morning practicing my introduction in front of the mirror, trying to calm the nerves that fluttered like trapped butterflies in my stomach. Sunghoon kept on reminding me of how beautiful I am, and how hard-working and passionate I have to be for me to get into this company, and it's the only way I'm going to make it through the day.

I'm led through the modern corridors by Mr. Park's assistant, dressed in a suit and wearing glasses that scream sophistication. She guides me through the maze of offices and cubicles, introducing me to my new colleagues along the way. Oh how I want the floor to open and swallow me whole, I'm so not good at first impressions. Still, I put on my best smile and try to appear confident as I shake hands with every person I meet, reminding myself that they're people I'll have to meet and talk to eventually, so I might as well make a good impression from the start.

"Mr. Park would like to meet you." The assistant informs me and I nod, not really able to form adequate words. The CEO of the company wants to meet me, what can I even say or do to impress him? My heart races as I follow her to Mr. Park's office, my mind racing with thoughts of what I should say and how I should act. The door opens and I step inside, fidgeting with my fingers because I feel the anxiety creeping through my veins. Mr. Park is not an old man like I expected him to be, I guess he's the same age as Sunghoon, and when he rises up and walks to me, extending his hand for me to shake, the gentle and reassuring smile he gives me is exactly what I need to calm my nerves. I take his hand and bow politely.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Park," I manage to say, my voice a little more steady than I expected.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Y/N. Please take a seat." He gestures and I sink into the chair across from him, preparing myself for the conversation of a lifetime. "I'm glad to have you here, really. A friend of mine, your previous team manager, recommended you because we were looking for a new addition to our team and your credentials were quite impressive." A wave of relief washes over me at his words.

"Thank you, Mr. Park," I reply, feeling a genuine smile spread across my face. "I'm very grateful for the opportunity to be here."

"I also heard that you have diabetes and that you have a service dog, right?" I'm taken aback by the fact that he knows so much about me, but then again, our team manager must have spoken highly of me, including my personal circumstances. I nod and he smiles a little. "If you ever need any accommodations or support related to your diabetes or your service dog, please don't hesitate to let me know. We want to ensure that all of our employees feel comfortable and supported in their work environment."

His words are like a balm to my worries, easing any concerns I had about how my health condition might impact my work. It's reassuring to know that I'm not going to be a burden or an inconvenience to the company. "Thank you, Mr. Park, I appreciate your understanding."

After a few minutes of discussing the main responsibilities of my new role, Mr. Park concludes our meeting with a warm smile. "I'm looking forward to seeing what you can bring to our team, Y/N. Welcome aboard." And with that, I step out of the office to find Mr. Park's assistant waiting for me to show me to my office. When we arrive at the place, I almost gasp at the sight of it. It's a spacious, well-lit room with a large desk, comfortable chairs, and a stunning view of the city below. It's more than I could have ever imagined, and it's a far cry from the cramped cubicle I was accustomed to in my internship.

"I hope you find everything to your liking," Mr. Park's assistant says and I smile at her. It's more than anything I could have dreamed of, and I can't wait to make it my own. Now I can monitor my blood sugar without having to go to the bathroom every time and make adjustments as needed without feeling self-conscious. I thank her and moments later, I'm left alone to start getting familiar with the work I'm supposed to do. 

I read a few documents and familiarize myself with the projects already underway. Everything seems well-organized and I'm so, so excited to work on it. This is exactly what I needed, wanted. The realization that my dream has now become a reality is starting to sink in. Gosh, I'm so proud of myself, the nights I've spent studying and doing my assignments have finally paid off.

The day passes in a blur and I'm not even done with half of the tasks I had planned for myself, but it's already time to head home. I gather my things and leave the office to go back home and tell Sunghoon about my first day like a child on their first day at school. I want to tell him about Mr. Park and if he knows him well because I've noticed that Park Corporation is collaborating with Sunghoon's company. I mean, that's not surprising, the two companies are one of the top players in the industry, but it's still interesting to me. I want to do all of that, but before I get to step outside, the sight of Seoyoung makes my stomach sink to the ground. 

"Long time no see, Lee Y/N." She says, folding her arms over her expensive designer dress as she stands in my path, blocking my way out of the office building. Her voice is dripping with condescension, and I can feel the tension in the air as soon as I lay eyes on her. "Got a minute to talk?" I want to say no, to run away and avoid this conversation, but before I know it, I find myself sitting across from her inside the building's café. "I heard you got a job here. Must be nice, considering you're not even qualified for it."

Her words sting like a slap to the face, but I refuse to let her see how much they affect me. "Are you the one who's going to qualify me?" As much as I'm scared of what could happen if I challenge her, a small part of me revels in the opportunity to stand up to Seoyoung.

Her perfectly manicured nails tap against the table impatiently as she studies me with narrowed eyes. "Do you want me to qualify you, Y/N? Because trust me, I could tear you apart with just a glance at your resume. But that's not the reason why I'm ditching my shopping plans to have this little chat with you. Let's just say I'm looking out for Sunghoon's best interests and having someone like you around doesn't exactly scream 'beneficial' to me."

"You haven't moved on?" I blurt out the words and for a moment, I know I'm going to regret it. But when her fists tighten and she shoots me a venomous glare, I realize that perhaps it's better to address the elephant in the room. "You dumped Sunghoon when he wanted to marry you, found yourself another man and moved on so quickly, so why do you care if he's with someone else now?"

"Do you think he really loves you? You're literally a replacement, Y/N, I feel bad for you because you're really delusional. Sunghoon would never date your type, not after loving me. Your whole relationship started because as fake dating because he wanted to make me jealous. You're just a distraction from the real prize." Her words cut deep, slicing through the fragile bubble of happiness I've built around myself. "Wake up, Y/N. Sunghoon belongs with me, and deep down, you know it too-"

"You're wrong, Seoyoung." I hold my trembling hands and give her the best fake smile I can plaster right now. "Sunghoon and I live together, and I know damn well whether he loves me or not because I'm the one he wakes up to, and I'm the one he comes home to every night. I know the sound of his laughter, the touch of his hands, and the warmth of his embrace. And let me tell you something, Seoyoung, it's real. Our love is real, and it's stronger than anything you could ever imagine."

Seoyoung scoffs, her disdain evident in every word she utters. "You're only making things harder for him! His father is hospitalized and his mother would never accept you as her daughter-in-law. Don't you think about the future? Do you think you and Sunghoon can be together forever? You're just a burden, Y/N, and you're going to drag him down with you." Her words hit me like a cold shower, sobering me from the heat of my anger. She's right, of course. Sunghoon's family is a complicated mess, and I've been avoiding thinking about it for far too long. But right now, I'm not going to let Seoyoung's toxic words get to me.

"I don't need your damn concern, Seoyoung. Oh, and by the way, I'm not the one who dumped Sunghoon when we were about to get married. I'm not the one who moved on so quickly and found myself another man. You did that. And if you think for one second that I'm going to let you come in here and try to manipulate me into believing that I'm not worthy of Sunghoon's love, then you're delusional. I'm not perfect, but I love him with everything I have, so you can take your judgmental attitude and your petty insults and shove them where the sun doesn't shine."

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