Chapter 7(sorry for the short chapter)

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Madara and Ur were back in their warm house, sitting in the comfortable living room after their meeting with Lyon. Though everything was at ease, there was a hint of tension as they tried to make sense of the young boy's sudden appearance.

As Madara watched his daughter playing with Lyon, a subtle flicker of red crossed his features, a hint of envy stirring within him. He couldn't help but feel a pang of possessiveness at the sight of Ultear laughing and interacting with the young boy. Despite his stoic demeanor, there was a part of him that longed to be the sole focus of his daughter's attention.

Ur, ever perceptive of her husband's emotions, couldn't suppress a mischievous smile as she observed the subtle shift in his demeanor.

"Are you that jealous?" she teased, her laughter bubbling forth as she nudged him gently.

Madara's expression remained impassive, though a faint glimmer of irritation flashed in his eyes at the suggestion. "What am I jealous of? They're just playing," he replied bluntly, though the edge in his tone betrayed his inner turmoil. "Though the boy will be dead if he touches her."

He couldn't deny the protective instinct that surged within him at the thought of anyone encroaching upon his daughter's happiness.

Ur's laughter continued, her amusement evident as she leaned closer to her husband. "Come on, they're just kids. What? You think they'll fall in love and get married already?" she teased, her tone light and teasing.

Madara turned to fix her with a steely gaze, the crimson of his Sharingan blazing with intensity. "It will never happen," he stated firmly, his voice carrying an air of finality.

Ur chuckled at her husband's stubbornness, finding his jealousy endearing in its own way. She reached out to him, her hand finding his and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Don't worry, you big mama bear. They're just children. And besides, Ultear could use some friends her age. I think Lyon would be a perfect companion for her," she reassured him, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Madara softened slightly at her words, his gaze softening as he looked at his wife. He knew she was right, of course. Ultear deserved to have friends her own age, to experience the joy of childhood friendships and the adventures they brought. And if Lyon could provide that for her, then perhaps his presence wasn't such a threat after all.

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