Chapter 4

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Madara woke up in bed, alone. He rubbed his tired looking eyes and searched the room for any sign of Ur. "Ur?" Madara was answered by the sound of violent vomiting coming from the bathroom. "Ur?" Madara walked over to the bathroom, seeing Ur on her knees vomiting into the toilet. For the past few days Ur had experienced morning sickness.

Madara's eyes darted with concern as he watched Ur struggle with the violent bout of morning sickness. He knelt beside her, hand on her back, providing comfort as she vomited. Her face was pale, her usually strong demeanor now vulnerable and fragile.

"Ur, this is unbearable. We can't let this continue," Madara whispered softly, his voice filled with a mix of worry and determination. He helped her to her feet, his strength offering support to her weakened form. "We're going to the doctor. I won't have you suffering like this."

Ur managed a weak nod, her face etched with discomfort. She leaned on Madara for support as they made their way out of the bathroom, her body trembling from the ordeal.

Madara assisted Ur in getting to the doctor's office before he left on a work. Ur sat attentively awaiting the doctor's findings. "So, doc, what exactly is it?" Is it a stomach virus? Maybe anything I ate?"

"Nothing like that. In fact, I feel like today deserves congratulations." Ur seemed to be drawing the dots to what the doctor was indicating as he smiled warmly at her. "You are in fact pregnant."

Ur's heart skipped a beat as she heard the news, and time seemed to stop for her. "I-I'm what?" Ur took slow, deep breaths, her eyes watering. A smile crept across her face, and tears of delight streamed down her cheeks. Ur was expecting a child with the man she loved.

Ur returned home to recover after scheduling her next appointment. She was lost in her thoughts and anticipation of what the future held. Madara will be back tonight; she needed to figure out how to break the news to him. Despite Madara's demeanor, she expected him to be thrilled with the news. Even though Madara may be arrogant and a jerk, she could tell he adored her.

Ur sat back in her chair when she got at her cabin. Her smile was amused as she imagined the joy her and Madara's child would provide. Ur couldn't stop laughing as she lovingly caressed her own belly, envisioning a sourpuss like Madara becoming a parent.

He completed his task early since it was too simple for his incredible power. Madara even took the time to go get some more firewood. His beloved was waiting for him when he walked back to his new house. Madara smiled genuinely happy for the first time since he was a child. It had been a long time since he had been this pleased and had a place to call home.

The news of Ur's pregnancy had taken root in her heart, and she was eager to share this life-altering revelation with Madara. As he returned from his guild mission, his footsteps echoing through their home, Ur awaited him with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

"Madara," she called out, her voice carrying a weight of emotions that could hardly be contained. He turned to her, his attention fully focused on her, sensing that something significant was unfolding.

Taking a deep breath, Ur looked into his eyes, a gentle smile gracing her face. "There's something I need to tell you, something wonderful," she began, her voice steady but infused with a profound sense of joy. "Madara, we're going to be parents," she said, her words carrying a magical quality in the world of Fairy Tail, where the extraordinary was an everyday occurrence.

Madara's eyes widened in surprise, his usual stoic demeanor briefly giving way to a mixture of awe and happiness. He stood there, almost in disbelief, as the implications of her words sank in. "Parents?" he repeated, his voice a blend of wonder and realization. "Ur, that's... incredible."

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