Chpater 8

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The boy Lyon had little interest with Madara but he gave a lot of enthusiasm when it came to Ur. The boy was on the simply 'list' on what annoys him the most. First it was Hashirama, the man had made him a rival and somewhat best friend. Second, the hidden leaf village with the old bastards in the behind the scene of their own club of secrets. Granted, he has his own secrets, but it isn't about him.

And what's the third thing that's annoys him you ask? He was watching outside while in the snow, his wife was training Lyon with her ice magic in the field of snow.

Madara twitched after seeing the expression of Lyon's face with a little blush towards Ur.

The winter air was crisp and cold as Madara observed from a distance, his sharp eyes fixed on Ur and Lyon in the snow-covered field. Lyon, the boy who seemed more interested in Ur than in him, had unwittingly earned a place on Madara's mental list of annoyances.

"Little brat..." Madara muttered under his breath, a faint scowl creasing his brow as he watched Lyon's eyes light up with admiration for Ur. The sight stirred a twinge of protectiveness in Madara, a familiar emotion he often grappled with when it came to matters concerning his family.

As Madara continued to observe, lost in his thoughts, he felt a gentle poke on his side. He turned to see his daughter, Ultear, looking up at him with a slight pout on her face.

"What is it, child?" Madara asked, his voice softening as he regarded his daughter.

"You're doing it again, Daddy," Ultear replied earnestly, her gaze unwavering.

"Doing what?" Madara feigned ignorance, though he knew exactly what she meant.

"Giving the angry face," Ultear stated matter-of-factly, her brow furrowing slightly.

Madara sighed inwardly, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes despite himself. "What angry face? This is how I look all the time," he quipped lightly, though his tone softened as he looked down at his daughter.

"Yeah, but your eyes are red again," Ultear pointed out, her concern evident in her voice.

Madara paused, meeting his daughter's gaze. Without another word, he deactivated his Sharingan, the crimson glow fading from his eyes. "I don't know what you mean," he said softly, though the slight curve of his lips betrayed his attempt at seriousness.

Ultear chuckled softly, seeing through her father's facade. "You worry too much, Daddy," she teased gently, reaching up to pat his arm reassuringly.

Madara ruffled her hair affectionately, a rare smile touching his lips. "I suppose I do," he admitted quietly, his gaze softening as he looked at his daughter. "But it's only because I care about you and your mother."

Ultear nodded understandingly, her small hand finding his again. "I know, Daddy," she replied warmly, her eyes reflecting the love and trust she felt for him.

Scene Change

Ur stood in the vast snow-covered field, her breath visible in the crisp winter air as she turned to face Lyon. The young boy looked up at her with a mixture of anticipation and awe. He had been eager to learn from Ur ever since he had come to live with them, and today, she was finally going to start teaching him Ice Magic.

"Alright, Lyon," Ur began, her voice calm yet firm, "if you want to learn Ice Magic, you have to understand something very important first."

Lyon, standing with a posture that tried to emulate Madara's confidence, looked at her with wide eyes. "What is it?" he asked, his voice tinged with both excitement and a touch of nervousness.

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