Chpater 2

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The following morning, as the sun began to rise, Madara was already awake. He peered out of the window and observed the snow beginning to melt from a nearby tree. The storm had raged all night, but fortunately, they weren't snowed in. Determined to continue his journey, Madara prepared to depart, grabbing his cloak and a bag.

However, his exit was interrupted by Ur's voice. She was in the kitchen, brewing coffee for both of them. "Just where do you think you're going?" she inquired.

Madara, peeking from the corner of his eye, replied, "I agreed to stay the night. I'm leaving."

Ur, while pouring coffee, reminded him, "Aha, did you rob me perhaps? Cause if I remember right, you don't have any money for your travels."

"I did not rob you. I will manage and do not require your help," Madara asserted, resolute in his independence.

Ur was not easily deterred. "What are you so afraid of?" she probed, challenging his decision to leave.

Madara frowned, finding the question unsettling. "Afraid? Don't be ridiculous. I am Madara Uchiha, I fear nothing. I have no weaknesses," he declared, his pride and confidence unshaken.

Ur, however, wasn't convinced. "Aha, sure buddy. Everyone has something they fear. And, everyone has their weaknesses."

"I think you do," she added, challenging Madara's facade of invincibility.

Madara met her challenge with a steadfast expression. "... Think what you like."

Ur remained unyielding. "Why are you traveling by the way? Any purpose behind it?"

"Why do you care?" Madara questioned, puzzled by her persistent inquiries.

"Well, what can I say? I like helping people who look troubled... And you are by far the most troubled-looking person I have ever met," Ur confessed. Decades of war, loss, and violence had left its mark on Madara, evident in his eyes and demeanor.

"So, why are you traveling?" she pressed further.

"... I want to just see the world. What it has to offer. Then I make plans," Madara revealed.

"Then, why don't you stay here for a bit? See what this town has to offer? You can't really see the world if you walk by everything," Ur suggested, her words laced with genuine concern.

Madara stood in deep thought, feeling an inexplicable pull to stay with Ur for a few days. "Very well," he finally conceded, dropping his bag to the floor.

"Good. Now come on, let's go to town," Ur said, walking by him and patting him on the shoulder. "And clean yourself up and get changed, your armor smells." Madara was momentarily shocked by this remark and hesitantly took a quick sniff of himself, particularly under his armpit. The dynamic between these two characters continued to evolve, blending moments of tension with Ur's persistent care and humor.

Madara reluctantly agreed to stay in town for a bit. After his shower, he changed into the clothing Ur provided, but when he looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but feel mortified. The outfit consisted of tight black jeans that accentuated his rear, a grey V-neck shirt, and a black hoodie, all of which looked far too small on him.

"I look ridiculous..." Madara muttered, his eyes twitching at the sight.

Ur, however, seemed untroubled by his appearance. "Meh, you look fine. Besides, you don't have to worry; with hair and a butt like that, people will just think you are a woman." She teased, finding Madara's annoyance amusing.

Madara chose to ignore her comment, unwilling to engage in the banter.

"Now come on, and we shall get some clothing more your size. You big baby," Ur laughed, clearly enjoying the playful interaction. The contrasts between their personalities and her lighthearted approach continued to shape their unusual connection.

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