Chapter 8: All his stuff

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       I got better as time went on. Tom and Madame Pomfrey tended to my wounds and Theo played muggle board games with me to distract me. I still cried at night while laying in hospital. Often times Mattheo would come down and sit next to me while I pretended to be asleep. Last night I heard him say, "I'm so happy you're okay. If you weren't I don't know what I'd have done. I need you. And I can't help but thank you for not leaving me. I know it's selfish to think. But you are my reason. I just hope I can be yours." He stayed in the chair all night holding my hand and when I woke up he was gone.

       Today I would be discharged from the hospital wing and I'd get to go back to my dorm. Everything was as I left it. The people were more all over the place with the buzz of a battle looming over and the fear of Voldemort's forces being more powerful than all the students. As much as I'd hate to admit it, I would have to trust Harry to help with Mattheo and Tom's father. We still needed a plan to revolt against him too. But for now, I'd stick to my dorm.

       I stood outside my door but didn't want to open it. So I turned and went to the door across the hall. Blaise's dorm. Only now it was empty. No other boys shared it with him because he was gay. I could barely bring myself to touch the handle on the door. But I opened it. It was as I remembered. Nothing changed. His satin robe still in its place, and his diary open with an ink pot and quill next to it. A stray tear cast from my eye and I walked over to look at the pages of his book.

       "I still place my seven galleons on the wager over Tom and Y/n. But after lunch I think Mattheo would be a good bet to-" he wrote. That was the last thing he'd write in that silly book. I remember buying him that two Christmases ago. It had his name embroidered in the front in fancy pink letters. He hid it from everyone and gave me a cupcake. I teared up at the memory and continued to walk around his room.

       His outfit for the day after the incident was lying on his chair next to his desk. His favorite hoodie. When I reluctantly picked it up it still smelled like him. I wanted to keep that smell forever. I didn't want to lose him. But I already did. I walked to his desk and grabbed the photo frame on it. A dark green frame with a twelve year old Blaise and me inside. We had built our first successful snowman and managed to charm it to sing frosty the snowman. He was laughing in the photo while I mimicked the snowman's goofy face. I didn't think it possible to miss someone this much.

       After spending ten minutes in his room, memorizing the smell, the things, looking back through memories of doing our nails and writing ridiculous fake love letters to each other to pretend we were in an old muggle film. I cried some more and curled up in his bed while looking through his diary.

       "No one is allowed to touch this diary. No one but you." His voice echoed in my mind. At one point it seemed so full of life, and joy, now it was nothing more than a distant memory. I looked through the words laughing as I went. He really did know how to keep me smiling didn't he?

       Enzo's father would have a funeral this next month. I'll have to help Mrs. Zabbini with planning Blaise's. It breaks my heart to think about it. No parent should ever have to plan their own child's funeral.

       The day turned into evening and I had to go down for dinner. I took back my blue sweater I once let him borrow. It still smelled like him. And I wanted to remember it. So I wore it to dinner. Hiding my tears and pain putting my mask back on. I didn't want to show the rest of the boys how broken this was really making me feel.

       I love my friends so much but when it comes to losing them, it feels as if the one thing in life I could control was ripped from me. But I didn't have time to wallow in sadness and I wasn't the only one grieving. He was Draco's friend too.

       I continued out of the dorms and common room and through the dungeon. Now I went to the great hall only to find it in disarray. Chaos booming everywhere. The windows were shattered and the students were panicking. All the professors were trying to keep things in order. By the looks of it, Voldemort was on his way into the school with his army. Harry had one of his own too but we weren't in it.

       All Slytherins were to be sent to the dungeons for whatever reason. Apparently we can't be trusted. Tom managed to apparate us all out of there (all being the boys and me) and we made our way to the front of the castle where we were sure to get a fight from the eldest Riddle.

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