(Rewrite) Chapter 13: Just a Bad Nightmare

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I immediately rush out of me and Kai's room, knocking on Dr. L's door. "Who's there, and why are you here?" He asks through the other side. "It's Jake! Let me in!" I exclaim. "Is it that urgent?* he asks. "YES!!" I yell. Dr. L walks up to the door and opens it. He looks down at my infected arm. "I see now." He says. "Can you do something?!" I ask. "You have a syringe for a reason." Dr. L says. "I already used it! But it didn't do anything! It didn't even slow the process down!" I exclaim. "That's interesting. Maybe I should put more white blood cells in it.." Dr. L says, writing something down in his notebook.

"Wait- Where do you even get the white blood cells?" I ask. "From volunteers." Dr. L replies. "Okay, now can you please do something about my impending doom?!" I exclaim. "I'm doing it man..chillax." Dr. L replies, looking for something. He pulls out two syringes with the same substance in it from before, this time more grey. "Why are they a darker color?" I ask. "You really paid that close attention...it's darker, because there's more white blood cells inside it. It should be more white..but..eh." Dr. L replies. He hands me the two syringes, to which I grab them with my uninfected hand, and shove them in one of my pockets.

"It should, in theory, slow it down more than the previous ones. But if it doesn't work, let me know." Dr. L says. "Yeah, here's the thing, okay? My arm becomes infected, I use the syringe, and it only speeds the process up!" I exclaim. "..that's the exact opposite of what it's SUPPOSED to do...that is odd." Dr. L says, writing something else down in his notebook. "Also, is my voice deeper?" I ask. "Now that you mention it..yeah. A little bit. Why are you asking?" Dr. L asks. "Uhh...I was on a call with my mother, and she told me my voice was deeper than usual." I reply. "There's nothing wrong about a deep voice...I also need to ask you something." Dr. L says. "Yeah?" I ask.

"For one, did you tell your mother ANYTHING about this place on the call?" Dr. L asks. "..no." I reply. "Alright, good. We can't have the word spread around." Dr. L says. "Anyways...any weird impulses or thoughts yet?" Dr. L asks. "...nope." I reply. "Good! Because if that does happen, that means the goo is taking over your bra- Nevermind." Dr. L says, cutting himself off. "Uhhh..alright.." I say. Dr. L then ducks underneath his bed, and pulls out yet another arm glove. "Do you just..have these things on you?" I ask. "Yep!" Dr. L replies, happily holding the arm glove, offering it to me. I take the glove, and put it on, struggling slightly.

"Well..that's really all I wanted to know. Tell me if anything comes up, okay?" Dr. L says. "I will." I reply. "Alright, good. You can go now." Dr. L says, motioning to the door. I take the door, and pull it open, leaving the room, and closing it. I walk back into me and Kai's room, as I climb up a small ladder to the top bunk bed. I flop over on it, and close my eyes, hoping to sleep.


'Where am I?' I ponder, left in a black abyss. Suddenly, someone I recognize comes out of the shadows of the abyss. It's my grandma. She died long ago, why would she be here?

"Aww..honey..come here.." She says, opening her arms up. I look down at myself, only noticing that both my hands are complete manic paws. There's one detail standing out, however. They have blood on them.

I look upon 'my' two manic paws. 'What did I do..why is there blood..why is my grandma here?' I think to myself. "Honey..please..come here..." She says.

I run up to my grandma, and give her the tightest hug I've ever done in my life. It feels so..real. Is this a dream? A nightmare? Why am I in here?

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