A look into the past.

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The empire was falling to this dark wizard and there was nothing Tanya could do about it, one day she met Lily and James Potter who became her friends, they inducted her into the order of the Phoenix and teach her magic to defend against Voldemorts army which she picked up quickly.

(Germany 1979)
As Tanya was battling she came across the leader of the dark wizards himself Voldemort

He approached her with curiosity in his eyes and spoke

"Tanya Degurechaff is it, I hear you've become a very powerful wizard in the last year or two, It impresses even the likes of me."

"What do you want"
Tanya asked coldly

"It is quite simple, I want whatever you're wearing around your neck, give it to me and none of your friends shall be harmed"

"The computation jewel? There's no way in Merlin's name that I'd give it to you!" Tanya said

Voldemort only laughed knowing whenever someone refused an offer he would either simply kill them or make them do it and then kill them to get what he wanted so thus doing so he held up his wand and shouted "imperio" only to be shocked that Tanya reacted quickly by saying "Stupefy" the wands connected and with Tanya's jewel it helped her win the duel. Voldemort flew back as Tanya apparated away

(August 1980)

Tanya had settled down with a guy who kept her last name and they had a son named Felix, who was only a month old. As she was putting him to bed she heard spell cracks and the words "Avada Kedavra" she raced downstairs to find her husband dead on the floor and a death eater who had now escaped, she tried hitting him/her with any kind of spell but it was too late so she could only do one thing to get away from Voldemort and that was go to where she knew Lily and James were doing the same thing in godrics hollow.

(Godrics Hollow October 31, 1981)

Lily and Tanya were just putting their sons to bed and for some reason Tanya had a bad feeling this night would be her last and so she hid the computation Jewel hoping one of the professors at hogwarts would find it and not Voldemort and wrote a note saying what she wanted should she die which was to have Lily and James take care of Felix.
It wasn't until both Lily and Tanya heard James fighting for his life and they couldn't hear his voice anymore, Tanya told Lily to stay put and she went to confront the intruder who was none other than Voldemort himself.

"I told you Degurechaff I would hunt you down if it's the last thing I do and thanks to James' old friend I found you, I figured you would go to an old friend to hide but I wasn't entirely sure as you are quite unpredictable"

With fury in her eyes Tanya took out her wand and yelled "this is the night that you die Voldemort I will kill you even if it kills me and if I can't then my boy can!"

With a chilling laugh Voldemort stated "kill me?oh that is not possible at all and your boy only a year old. I'll kill him and the potter boy then no one will stop me." Tanya tried everything she could to prevent her death but Voldemort was too powerful and the last thing she ever saw was an all familiar green light coming towards her.

Meanwhile upstairs Lily comforted Harry and Felix hoping that James and Tanya were fighting but Voldemort came upstairs found Lily and shouted the killing curse and she fell to the floor and as he tried to kill both kids the spell backfired on him and thus was the end of Voldemort or was it?

AN: this is my first hp fanfic and this was more of a past chapter that you guys will get context for but then as the book goes along Felix will learn what happened that night but you guys will already know. But yeah bear with me here.

Also all rights go to the creators of youjo senki and jk Rowling for the characters and world.

Felix Degurechaff: The Second Boy who lived Where stories live. Discover now