Chapter 4: The wizarding world

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Felix looked below him and realized he was up in the air on a motorbike that should have been on the ground but with this talk of magic he knew it was probably that.

He looked at his watch and saw that it was 11:50pm just about ten minutes before Harry's birthday and he suspected Hagrid would somehow find Harry a few minutes after.

As they landed on the dot of 12am outside an abandoned lighthouse hagrid handed Felix a box and said "this is fer harry, would ya mind holding it?" Felix nodded and watched as Hagrid knocked down the door and heard the commotion of the Dursleys, Hagrid walked in and started talking to Harry as if he had known him which had been true since it wasn't the first time Felix had been on that motorcycle but he was just a baby.

Vernon held a shotgun and aggressively asked Hagrid to step away and leave Felix there with them but to Felix's amazement Hagrid simply bent the point of the gun and said "oh dry up Dursley ya great prune!"

He then explained to both Harry and Felix that they were wizards and that their parents were mighty fine ones as well then Harry said "wait a minute I was told they died in a car crash!"

Felix turned to the Dursleys and said "Yeah I thought you told me my parents offed themselves"

Hagrid was shocked to hear that the Dursleys had lied to both boys and shouted in an outrage "Lily and James potter the most brilliant wizards in their time dying in a car crash? And Tanya Degurechaff, one of the most powerful aside from the great Dumbledore himself and the dark lord just wiping herself off the face of the earth?!"

Petunia tried defending herself but Hagrid wasn't having any of it and after a while both Felix and Harry left the Dursleys to go with Hagrid.

In the daytime they landed at a pub in London and Hagrid told the tender that the two boys with him were the boys who lived and everyone in earshot decided to shake their hands.

"Uh Hagrid why are they treating us like celebrities?" Felix asked

"Why you two are the most famous of all, you survived the dark lord, dare I say his name.."

"What is this dark lords name?" Harry asked

Hagrid leaned in close to both boys and said "Voldemort" but then left it at that

Before heading to what Hagrid called diagon alley they saw a man with a turban on his head and with a stutter saying "ah Harry pppotter aand Ffelix Degurechaff, what a ppleasure to meet you.."

Hagrid explained that the man was professor quirell who would be the defence against the dark arts teacher at hogwarts and then they went on their way.

A brick wall opened to reveal a bunch of stores that had wizards and witches alike walking all over the place.

"So where's our first stop?" Harry asked

"we're going to gringotts for two things, one being some money for Felix and yourself and something that Dumbledore asked me to retrieve." Hagrid said.

They got to gringotts and both Felix and Harry discovered that their parents left a fortune for them with tons of galleons and sickles so they took that and then they tried to see what secret thing Hagrid had taken from the vault but they couldn't.

After that Hagrid directed them to Ollivanders to get their wands and they walked in.

They waited for a bit but a man who introduced himself as ollivander welcomed them and told them he was wondering when they would show up.

Harry and Felix both tried multiple wands but some weren't the right fit and much to Felix's annoyance Ollivander simply said "ah the wand choses the wizard Mr Degurechaff"

Then, Harry and Felix both picked up the wands that Ollivander had given them and simultaneously it was the right one for both but Ollivander quickly said "hmm curious, curious indeed.."

Harry and Felix both looked confused and Ollivander continued "you see boys I know every wand that has been sold and both your wands have a twin, for you Harry the phoenix feather that's in yours had a second feather that belonged to the dark lord and for you Felix, that wand of yours has acacia wood but the the same tail hair belongs to a thestral that provided some to another wand that I won't speak about, this wand can't produce magic for any but their owner, and it's best effects can be used to those most gifted and I believe you can use this wand to its full potential."

Felix and Harry both looked shocked and then they found hagrid outside with a birdcage holding an owl and a cat being beside him.

They came outside and Hagrid said "I got you both a birthday present, yours being a little late Felix but hope it's ok."

"Felix nodded and the cat simply meowed at him and immediately took a liking to him.

After getting a few more things Hagrid finally gave them both a ticket for the hogwarts express and to go to kings cross and went on his way.

AN: that ends the chapter this week, hopefully you're enjoying the story and stay tuned.

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